Fifty-first Legislature                                            Appropriations

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2703




(Reference to House engrossed bill)


Page 1, line 30, strike "44,566,200" insert "44,362,200"

Line 32, strike "30,955,200" insert "31,159,200"

Page 4, line 17, strike "3,897,186,400" insert "3,896,186,400"

Line 31, strike "8,088,935,700" insert "8,087,935,700"

Line 33, strike "1,275,393,500" insert "1,274,393,500"

Page 12, line 10, strike "145,221,300" insert "144,321,300"

Line 14, strike "1,042,724,000" insert "1,041,824,000"

Line 16, strike "997,812,200" insert "996,912,200"

Strike lines 28 through 31

Page 22, line 13, strike "2,398,582,600" insert "2,395,582,600"

Line 15, strike "2,352,107,100" insert "2,349,107,100"

Page 24, line 7, strike "number"

Strike lines 8 through 12, insert "actual costs incurred to secure industry credential assessments and examinations for eligible students in joint technical education districts."

Line 36, strike "2,966,895,600" insert "2,963,895,600"

Line 38, strike "2,889,360,400" insert "2,886,360,400"

Page 35, between lines 37 and 38, insert:

"The appropriation includes 40 FTE positions for the foster care review board, which is an increase of 3 FTE positions from fiscal year 2013‑2014.  The supreme court shall allocate sufficient monies to the foster care review board to hire 3 additional employees."

Page 48, between lines 12 and 13, insert:

"The operating lump sum appropriation includes $100,000 to improve the department's analysis of tax data.  Before spending these monies, the department shall submit an expenditure plan for review by the joint legislative budget committee."

Page 58, line 3, strike "101.0" insert "96.0"

Line 4, strike "9,499,100" insert "8,499,100"

Line 14, strike "15,233,200" insert "14,233,200"

Line 16, strike "14,326,400" insert "13,326,400"

Page 59, line 17, strike "10,109,000" insert "10,742,000"

Between lines 33 and 34, insert:

"C.  On or before November 1, 2014, the department of administration shall submit a plan to reduce the level of federal reimbursement regarding excess balances from funds other than the special employee health insurance trust fund established by section 38‑654, Arizona Revised Statutes,for review by the joint legislative budget committee."

Line 39, strike "and $115,372,800 from federal title XIX expenditure authority"

Between lines 40 and 41, insert:

"Sec. 106.  Arizona health care cost containment system; supplemental appropriation; fiscal year 2013-2014

A.  The Arizona health care cost containment system administration may transfer up to $12,984,900 from state general fund appropriations received in fiscal year 2013‑2014 to the department of health services for expenditures associated with title XIX behavioral health services.

B.  Before making any transfer pursuant to subsection A of this section, the Arizona health care cost containment system administration shall submit the proposed transfer for review by the joint legislative budget committee.

C.  On or before November 1, 2014, the directors of the joint legislative budget committee and the governor’s office of strategic planning and budgeting shall jointly submit a report to the governor and the joint legislative budget committee regarding the feasibility of adopting a common reporting format for the current financial status of the Arizona health care cost containment system and the department of health services."

Renumber to conform

Page 60, line 27, strike "39,321,200" insert "149,800,800"

Page 62, after line 43, insert:

"5.  $2,900,000 for improving and maintaining the department of administration state data center."

Page 68, strike lines 15 through 20

Renumber to conform

Page 69, strike lines 20 through 44

Renumber to conform

Page 70, line 18, strike "6,157,300" insert "9,057,300"

Line 19, after the period insert "This amount includes $2,900,000 for improving and maintaining the department of administration state data center."

Amend title to conform






03:50 PM

C: meb