House Engrossed




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-first Legislature

Second Regular Session










Making capital outlay appropriations for the different departments of the state and for state institutions.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Capital outlay appropriations; major maintenance and repair of state buildings

A.  Notwithstanding section 41-793.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, the amounts appropriated in this section are appropriated for fiscal year 2014‑2015 to be used by the applicable agency for major maintenance and repair activities for state buildings in accordance with title 41, chapter 4, article 7, Arizona Revised Statutes.  Of the amounts appropriated to the department of administration, up to $275,000 in personal services and employee‑related expenditures for up to five FTE positions may be allocated each fiscal year until the building renewal projects are completed.  All other monies appropriated in this section may not be spent for personal services or employee-related expenditures or for maintenance contracts on building components and equipment without review by the joint committee on capital review.  Any monies appropriated for building renewal in fiscal year 2014-2015 that are unexpended or unencumbered on June 30, 2016 revert to the fund from which the monies were appropriated.

B.  DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION                        $18,000,000

Fund sources:

State general fund                                $ 9,000,000

Capital outlay stabilization fund                 $ 9,000,000

The department of administration shall allocate the monies to state agencies for necessary building renewal.  If monies in the capital outlay stabilization fund established by section 41-792.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, are insufficient to fund the appropriation to the department of administration for building renewal, the appropriation to the department of administration is reduced by the difference between the amount appropriated to the department of administration from the capital outlay stabilization fund and the balance in the capital outlay stabilization fund.

C.  ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS                            $ 3,000,000

Fund source:

State general fund                                $ 3,000,000

The Arizona board of regents shall require each university to establish a major maintenance and repair account for deposit of amounts allocated by the board to the university from the appropriation made in this subsection. Amounts deposited in this account may be used only for the purposes provided in subsection A of this section.

D.  STATE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS                     $ 8,464,300

Fund sources:

State general fund                                $ 3,000,000

Department of corrections building

  renewal fund                                    $ 5,464,300

The state department of corrections shall report monthly to the joint legislative budget committee staff on the status of the projects funded under this section.  The department may not spend any of this appropriation on personal services or overhead expenses related to the management of the funded projects.

E.  ARIZONA STATE LOTTERY COMMISSION                    $    97,400

Fund source:

State lottery fund                                $    97,400

F.  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                        $ 3,396,800

Fund sources:

State highway fund                                $ 3,191,900

State aviation fund                               $   204,900

Sec. 2.  Appropriation; department of public safety; microwave communications system

A.  The sum of $2,000,000 is appropriated from the Arizona highway patrol fund established by section 41-1752, Arizona Revised Statutes, in fiscal year 2014-2015 to the department of public safety for the design, construction and implementation of a microwave communications system upgrade.

B.  The department of public safety shall submit an expenditure plan and project timeline to the joint committee on capital review for its review before expending any monies appropriated for the microwave communications system upgrade.

Sec. 3.  Appropriation; Arizona state parks board; capital improvements

A.  The sum of $1,500,000 is appropriated from the state parks revenue fund established by section 41-511.21, Arizona Revised Statutes, in fiscal year 2014-2015 to the Arizona state parks board for capital improvements.

B.  The Arizona state parks board shall submit the scope, purpose and estimated cost of the capital improvements to the joint committee on capital review for its review pursuant to section 41-1252, Arizona Revised Statutes.

Sec. 4.  Appropriation; Arizona exposition and state fair board; capital improvements

A.  The sum of $1,000,000 is appropriated from the Arizona exposition and state fair fund established by section 3-1005, Arizona Revised Statutes, in fiscal year 2014-2015 to the Arizona exposition and state fair board for capital improvements.

B.  The Arizona exposition and state fair board shall submit the scope, purpose and estimated cost of the capital improvements to the joint committee on capital review for its review pursuant to section 41-1252, Arizona Revised Statutes.

Sec. 5.  Appropriation; department of veterans' services; veterans' home facility; exemption

A.  The sum of $9,200,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2014-2015 to the department of veterans' services for construction and establishment of a veterans' home facility in Yuma.

B.  The amount appropriated in subsection A of this section is intended to be this state's share of the costs, and is not subject to expenditure for any purpose unless the department of veterans' services has irrevocable commitments from the United States government for funding at least sixty-five per cent of the total costs.

C.  The appropriation made in subsection A of this section is exempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations.

D.  The department of veterans' services shall submit the scope, purpose and estimated cost of the veterans' home facility in Yuma to the joint committee on capital review for its review pursuant to section 41-1252, Arizona Revised Statutes.

Sec. 6.  Capital outlay appropriations; major capital projects; department of transportation; reports


Department of transportation:

1.  Statewide highway construction                      $208,899,000

Fund source:

State highway fund                                $208,899,000

The amount appropriated for highway construction is from the state highway fund established by section 28-6991, Arizona Revised Statutes, for the planning and construction of state highways, including the national system of interstate highways within this state, the state primary or secondary system, the county primary or secondary system and urban rural routes, the acquisition of rights-of-way, the cost of contracted field administration and field engineering on construction projects and debt service payments on bonds issued for highway construction.  Any balances and collections in the state highway fund in excess of the specific amounts appropriated in the general appropriations act and in this act are appropriated to the department for the purposes provided in this paragraph.

The department of transportation shall report on or before November 1, 2014 to the joint committee on capital review on its actual prior year, estimated current year and upcoming budget year highway construction expenses from all fund sources, including appropriated monies, federal monies, local agency monies, state highway monies, bond proceeds and regional area road monies.  The report must be in the same format as in the prior year unless modifications have been approved by the directors of the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting.

On or before November 1, 2014, the department of transportation shall report capital outlay information for fiscal years 2013-2014, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 to the directors of the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting.  This information must appear in the same format as tables two, three and six, as found in the fiscal year 2013-2014 appropriations report.

On or before November 1, 2014, the department of transportation shall report the department's estimated outstanding debt principal balance at the end of fiscal year 2015-2016 and the estimated debt service payment amount for fiscal year 2015-2016 to the directors of the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting.  This report must include state highway fund statewide construction bonds, Arizona highway user revenue fund, Maricopa association of governments and Pima association of governments controlled access bonds, Maricopa regional area road fund bonds and grant anticipation notes and is intended to be comparable to the information in the fiscal year 2014-2015 appropriations report.

2.  Airport planning and development                    $ 20,012,300

Fund source:

State aviation fund                               $ 20,012,300

The amount is appropriated from the state aviation fund established by section 28-8202, Arizona Revised Statutes, for the planning, construction, development and improvement of state, county, city or town airports as determined by the state transportation board.  Any balances and collections in the state aviation fund in excess of the specific amounts appropriated in the general appropriations act and in this act are appropriated to the department of transportation for the purposes provided in this paragraph.

3.  De-icer buildings                                   $  2,280,000

Fund source:

State highway fund                                $  2,280,000

The amount is appropriated from the state highway fund for five de-icer buildings.

4.  Vehicle wash systems                                $  3,000,000

Fund source:

State highway fund                                $  3,000,000

The amount is appropriated from the state highway fund for six vehicle wash systems.

Total appropriation - department of transportation            $234,191,300

Fund sources:

State highway fund                                $214,179,000

State aviation fund                               $ 20,012,300

Sec. 7.  Department of administration reports; FTE positions; reallocations; report

A.  The department of administration shall report on the status of project-specific FTE positions for capital projects in its annual capital budget request.

B.  The department of administration may allocate FTE positions authorized for specific projects to other projects in this act if the funding for the FTE positions is cost allocated among the projects receiving benefit. The department of administration shall report any FTE position reallocations to the joint committee on capital review on or before December 31, 2014.

Sec. 8.  Use of appropriations; limitation

Unless otherwise specified, the monies appropriated in this act may not be spent for personal services or employee-related expenditures of state employees, excluding any services provided as part of the inmate construction program for correctional facilities.

Sec. 9.  Lapsing; exemption

Unless otherwise specified, the appropriations made in this act do not lapse until the purpose for which the appropriation was made has been accomplished or abandoned, or the appropriation stands for a full fiscal year without an expenditure or an encumbrance.

Sec. 10.  JCCR review

Pursuant to section 41‑1252, Arizona Revised Statutes, the joint committee on capital review shall review the scope, purpose and estimated cost of a new capital project that has an estimated cost of more than $250,000.