REFERENCE TITLE: legislature; adjournment; interim committees




State of Arizona


Fifty-first Legislature

Second Regular Session




SB 1280


Introduced by

Senators McComish, Crandell, Driggs, Pancrazi; Representatives Carter, Gray, Mesnard: Senator Farley; Representatives Dial, Shope





amending sections 41‑1101, 41‑1103, 41‑1104 and 41‑1132, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the legislature.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 41-1101, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-1101.  Time of assembly; organization; oaths; adjournment sine die

A.  The legislature shall assemble at the seat of government at twelve o'clock noon on the second Monday of January each year.

B.  At the hour of assemblage of the first regular session next after the general election, the member of the senate holding seniority in age shall take the chair, call the senate to order, appoint a temporary secretary, and direct the secretary to call the list of senators from the several counties, who shall present their certificates of election and take the oath of office. The senate may thereupon, if a quorum is present, may proceed to elect its officers.  The house of representatives shall likewise proceed with its organization.  The oath taken by the members shall be entered upon the journals of the respective houses.

C.  The presiding officer of each house may administer the oath of office to members, officers and employees of the respective houses.

D.  Except in cases of impeachment, the legislature shall adjourn sine die the regular session not later than one hundred calendar days after the regular session begins.  Except in cases of impeachment, the legislature shall adjourn sine die a special session convened by the governor pursuant to article V, section 4, Constitution of Arizona, or by the legislature pursuant to article IV, part 2, section 1, Constitution of Arizona, not later than thirty calendar days after the special session begins. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 41-1103, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-1103.  Compensation; reimbursement of expenditures

A.  Members of the legislature are each entitled to receive an annual salary established pursuant to the provisions of section 41‑1904.

B.  In addition to the salary provided in subsection A of this section, each member of the legislature shall also be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses incurred in attendance upon on regular sessions or special sessions and for acting in a legislative matter, other than in a regular or special session, upon including travel and subsistence expenses incurred while attending to legislative business whether within the member's district or otherwise and whether in regular or special session or otherwise, on prior approval of the presiding officer of either house of the legislature at such the rate and in such the manner as may be prescribed by law. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 41-1104, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-1104.  Travel reimbursement and subsistence for members of legislature; claim required

A.  Each member of the legislature shall be reimbursed for travel as prescribed by law, and such the reimbursement shall include travel from the temporary or permanent residence of the member to the state capitol and for travel in attendance on legislative business.

B.  Each member of the legislature shall be paid the sum of thirty‑five dollars each day for subsistence during a regular or special session and the sum of thirty‑five dollars each day for subsistence when a member acts on a legislative matter, other than in a regular or special session, upon including travel and subsistence expenses incurred while attending to legislative business whether within the member's district or otherwise and whether in regular or special session or otherwise, on the prior approval of the presiding officer of the house of which he is a member.  Each member whose permanent residence is outside of Maricopa county shall receive an additional twenty‑five dollars for each day as subsistence in a regular or special session.  Each member who acts on a legislative matter, within this state in a county other than his residence, with the prior approval of the presiding officer of the house of which he is a member, shall be paid an additional twenty‑five dollars for each day as subsistence.

C.  Subsistence allowed to each member of the legislature during the regular session as provided in subsection B shall be limited to the first one hundred twenty days of a regular session.  After the first one hundred twenty days of a regular session, each member of the legislature shall be paid the sum of ten dollars for subsistence for each day of the regular session beyond the first one hundred twenty days.  Each member whose permanent residence is outside of Maricopa county shall receive an additional ten dollars for each day beyond the first one hundred twenty days of a regular session as subsistence.

D.  C.  Each member of the legislature, for authorized travel out of state, shall receive travel and subsistence expenses as prescribed by law for state officers.

E.  D.  For payment of travel expenses and subsistence, as prescribed by the terms of this section, each member of the legislature shall submit a claim therefor countersigned by the presiding officer of the respective body. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4.  Section 41-1132, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-1132.  Interim committee meetings; studies; reports and recommendations; attendance at conferences

A.  When the legislature is not in session, the standing committees of the senate and the house of representatives serve as interim committees.  The purpose of an interim committee is to investigate and study matters of legislative concern in between regular sessions.

B.  The president of the senate or and the speaker of the house of representatives may at any time when the legislature is not in session call a meeting of any standing legislative committee appointed according to law or rules of the house of which he is the presiding officer.  The call shall state the time and place of meeting and the subject matter to be considered. shall call the interim committees together on a monthly basis when the legislature is not in session and assign matters for study to the appropriate interim committee.  In addition to the powers prescribed by section 41-1133, each interim committee shall:

1.  Meet after adjournment sine die of each regular session to organize and to study issues and potential legislation within the interim committee's subject area.

2.  Operate under the rules established by the legislature.

3.  Receive study assignments from the president of the senate or the speaker of the house of representatives and from the legislature by resolution.

4.  Investigate and study assignments received pursuant to paragraph 3 of this subsection.  The interim committee may request research reports from legislative staff pertaining to the interim committee's study agenda.

5.  Accept reports from legislative staff and make recommendations for legislative action with respect to these reports.

C.  The interim committee may prepare and introduce legislation in response to the interim committee's study agenda.

D.  Except as otherwise provided by law, the interim committee shall complete and make available to the public any interim committee reports and recommendations before the legislative session in which the reports and recommendations are submitted.  The interim committee shall provide a copy of the reports and recommendations to each member or member‑elect of the legislature and each state officer.

B.  E.  The presiding officer of either house may authorize any member of a standing committee of the house over which he presides to attend a conference or convention, either in the state or without the state, when such attendance, in the opinion of the presiding officer, will promote the best interests of the state.

C.  Not less than ten days after convening the next session of the legislature following such a committee meeting, conference or convention, the chairman shall submit a written report of the committee's findings to the presiding officer of the house it represents. END_STATUTE