(Reference to printed bill)
Page 1, line 7, after "1." strike remainder of line, insert ""JOBS BONDS" MEANS REVENUE BONDS, LOANS, LEASES, DEBENTURES, NOTES, CERTIFICATES OF"
Line 8, after "a" insert "jobs"
Line 9, after "OBLIGATIONS" insert "other than those issued by another corporation"
Line 10, after "individual" insert "in this state"
Line 13, after "EMPLOYMENT" insert "of an employee"
Between lines 19 and 20, insert:
"4. "jurisdiction" means the area within the municipality or county that approved such corporations formation."
Renumber to conform
Line 20, after the first quotation mark, insert "jobs"
Line 22, after "employee" insert "other than any project as defined in section 35-701 within the state intended for:
(a) single-family home ownership.
(b) single-family residential rental housing.
(c) multifamily residential rental housing.
(d) sanitarium.
(e) clinic.
(f) medical hotel.
(g) rest home.
(h) nursing home.
(i) skilled nursing facility.
(j) life care facility as prescribed in section 20-1801.
Line 23, after the first quotation mark insert "jobs"
Line 24, after "a" insert "jobs"
Line 27, after "remodeling" insert ", renovation"; after "existing" insert "improvements, facilities,"
Page 2, line 1, after "35-782." insert "Jobs"
Line 2, strike "in addition to" insert "separate from"
Line 3, strike "revenue" insert "jobs"; after "FINANCE" strike reminder of line; strike line 4, insert "or refinance any jobs projects costs or to refund any outstanding jobs bonds it previously issued."
Line 5, after "B." insert "jobs"
Line 7, after "c." insert "jobs"
Line 15, after "indenture" insert ",deed of trust"; after the period strike remainder of line; strike lines 16 through 20, insert:
"d. the board of directors of a corporation may require approval by its governing body of the proceedings under which jobs bonds are issued under this article.
e. for jobs projects located outside the state, the corporation must determine by resolution that, in addition to creating full-time private sector employment in this state, the financing will benefit this state by either or both of the following:"
Reletter to conform
Line 23, after "d." insert "jobs"
Line 26, after "any" insert "jobs"; strike "or coupons"
Line 27, after the third "the" strike remainder of line, insert "jobs bonds, then the signature"
Line 29, after "the" strike remainder of line, strike lines 30 through 45, insert "jobs bonds."
Page 3, strike lines 1 and 2, insert:
"h. jobs bonds issued under the provisions of this article shall be legal investments for all banks, trust companies and insurance companies organized and operating under the laws of this state."
Reletter to conform
Line 6, after "APPROVED" insert "jobs"
Line 10, after "of" insert "jobs"
Line 12, strike "TO COVER THE COSTS OF" insert "for purposes of conducting"
Page 3, strike lines 15 through 17; line 18, strike "the bonds or other obligations" insert:
"35-783. Neither municipality nor county liable; prohibitions; statement
a. neither the municipality nor the county is liable for the payment of the principal or interest on any jobs bonds.
b. neither the municipality's nor the county's credit or taxing power may be pledged in connection with jobs bonds issued pursuant to this article.
c. neither the corporation nor any political subdivision of this state is liable on any jobs bonds issued pursuant to this article other than the issuing corporation as a special obligation, limited solely the revenues expressly pledged for repayment of the particular jobs bonds. the jobs bonds"
Line 22, strike "PROJECT"; after "PLEDGED" insert "for the jobs bonds"
Reletter to conform
Line 23, after "the" insert "jobs"; strike "and other obligations"
Line 24, strike "a" insert "c"
Line 25, after "the" insert "jobs"; strike "and other obligations"
Line 30, after "a" insert "jobs"; strike "revenue" insert "jobs"
Line 33, after "such" insert "jobs"
Line 36, after "any" insert "jobs"
Line 38, after the second "any" insert "jobs"
Line 42, strike the comma, insert "and"; strike "and regularity"; after "any" insert "jobs"
Line 44, strike the comma, insert "and"; strike "and regularity"
Page 4, line 1, after "any" insert "jobs"
Between lines 2 and 3, insert:
"c. in any suit, action or proceeding involving the validity or enforceability of any jobs bonds issued under this article or for the security of the jobs bonds, if the jobs bonds indicate that the bonds have been issued in connection with a jobs project, then the jobs bonds are conclusively deemed to have been issued for that purpose and the jobs project is conclusively deemed to have been planned, located, financed and carried out in accordance with this article.
d. notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a corporation that asserts the jobs project is situated within its jurisdiction may bring a claim against another corporation which has authorized the issuance of the jobs bonds, for a period of ninety-days after the jobs bonds are issued."
Page 4, line 4, after "a" insert "jobs"
Line 9, after "comprehensive" insert "written"; after "plan" insert "with projections"
Line 10, after the first "the" insert "jobs"
Line 13, after "the" insert "jobs"
Strike line 23, insert:
"35-786 Article independent and comprehensive; construction"
Line 26, after "article" strike remainder of line; line 27, strike "conferred by law and"; after "issuance" insert "jobs"
Lines 28 and 29, strike the second "THE" insert "jobs"
Line 30, strike "the procedure otherwise" insert "any other PROCEDURES"; strike "THIS CHAPTER OR by"