Fifty-first Legislature                                                 Elections

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2107




(Reference to House engrossed bill)


Page 1, between lines 1 and 2, insert:

"Section 1.  Section 16-241, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE16-241.  Presidential preference election; conduct of election

A.  A presidential preference election shall be held on the fourth Tuesday in February immediately following March 15 of each year in which the President of the United States is elected to give qualified electors the opportunity to express their preference for the presidential candidate of the political party indicated as their preference by the record of their registration.  No other election may appear on the same ballot as the presidential preference election.

B.  Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, the governor may issue a proclamation that the presidential preference election is to be held on a date earlier than the fourth Tuesday in February later than the date prescribed in subsection A of this section.  The proclamation shall be issued no later than one hundred eighty days before the date of the election as set forth in the proclamation.  The governor shall transmit a copy of the election proclamation to the clerks of the county boards of supervisors.

C.  Except as otherwise provided in this article, the presidential preference election shall be conducted and canvassed in the same manner as prescribed in this title for the primary election held pursuant to section 16‑201.  All provisions of other laws that govern elections and that are not in conflict with this article apply to a presidential preference election, including laws relating to registration and qualifications of electors.

D.  Unless otherwise specifically prescribed by this article, the powers and duties conferred by law on boards of supervisors, officers in charge of elections, county recorders, precinct boards and central counting boards in connection with a primary election are conferred on those persons for purposes of a presidential preference election and shall be exercised by them for a presidential preference election.

E.  Every act that is an offense pursuant to the election laws of this state is an offense for purposes of a presidential preference election, and a person is subject to the penalties prescribed by those laws. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 16-243, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE16-243.  National convention delegates; vote for candidates

A.  The selection of delegates to the political party national conventions shall be as provided in the bylaws of each state party.

B.  At the political party national convention, each delegate to the national convention shall use his best efforts at the convention vote for the party's presidential nominee candidate who received the greatest number of votes in the presidential preference election until the candidate is nominated for the office of president of the United States by the convention, until the candidate releases the delegate from his the delegate's obligation, until a candidate withdraws from the race or until one convention nominating ballot has been taken.  After a candidate is nominated, withdraws from the race, delegates are released or one ballot is taken, each delegate is free to vote as he the delegate chooses, and no rule may be adopted by a delegation requiring the delegation to vote as a body or causing the vote of any delegate to go uncounted or unreported." END_STATUTE

Renumber to conform

Amend title to conform







03:45 PM

C: myr