Bill Number: S.B. 1283

                                                                                                               Barto Floor Amendment

                                                                                                              Reference to: printed bill

                                                                          Amendment drafted by: Legislative Council






Requires applicants for colocation to designate which outpatient treatment center will act as the collaborating outpatient treatment center and will therefore be liable for the health, safety, cleanliness and maintenance of common areas and supervision and training of shared nontreatment personnel and adds requirements to the maintenance and access of medical records located in common areas or shared by colocators. 


Fifty-second Legislature                                                    Barto

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1283




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 2, between lines 10 and 11, insert:

"1.  "Associated licensed provider" means one or more licensed outpatient treatment centers or one or more licensed counseling facilities that share common areas pursuant to a written agreement with a collaborating outpatient treatment center and that are liable and responsible for the treatment areas that are used by the respective associated licensed provider pursuant to written policies.

2.  "Collaborating outpatient treatment center" means a licensed outpatient treatment center that has a written agreement with one or more outpatient treatment centers or exempt health care providers or licensed counseling facilities that requires the collaborating outpatient treatment center to be liable and responsible pursuant to written policies for all common areas that one or more colocators use."

Renumber to conform

Line 11, after "means" insert "an exempt health care provider or"

Line 12, after "center" insert "or a licensed counseling facility"

Strike lines 21, 22 and 23

Renumber to conform

Line 24, after "medical" insert "or behavioral health"

Line 30, after "health" insert ", including mental health,"

Between lines 32 and 33, insert:

"(d)  Harm to the patient or others."

Line 33, strike "licensed"

Page 3, line 5, after "services" insert "or with one or more licensed counseling facilities"; strike "on" insert "at"; after "the" insert "collaborating"

Line 6, after "and" insert "share"

Page 3, line 8, strike "Application for colocation" insert "Colocators; collaborating outpatient treatment centers"

Line 9, strike "applicants for"

Line 10, strike "colocation at an" insert "colocators at a collaborating"; after "shall" insert a colon and strike remainder of line

Strike lines 11 through 27, insert:

"1.  Designate which outpatient treatment center will act as the collaborating outpatient treatment center and be liable and responsible for the health, safety, cleanliness and maintenance of all common areas and the supervision and training of all shared nontreatment personnel pursuant to written policies of the collaborating outpatient treatment center.

2.  Designate which areas are considered common areas and which personnel are designated as shared nontreatment personnel.

3.  Designate the associated licensed providers.

4.  Ensure that medical records that are located in common areas or shared by colocators are maintained pursuant to all federal and state confidentiality laws.  A colocator may have access to a patient's medical records only if the patient has consented."

Line 32, strike "crisis health care services or"

Strike lines 34, 35 and 36

Renumber to conform

Line 41, strike "an" insert "a licensed collaborating"

Line 43, strike "an" insert "one or more"; strike "licensed"; after "care" strike remainder of line

Strike line 44, insert "providers or one or more licensed counseling facilities pursuant to section"

Page 4, lines 2 and 6, strike "licensed"

Line 12, strike "October 1, 2015" insert "April 15, 2016"

Lines 16 and 17, strike "adopt and amend" insert "consider the adoption of and amendment to"

Line 18, strike "supportive" insert "respite"

Line 21, strike "December 15, 2015" insert "April 15, 2016"

Page 4, line 26, after "care" strike remainder of line

Strike lines 27 and 28, insert "for children receiving behavioral health services pursuant to rules adopted by the department."

Renumber to conform

Line 32, strike "less" insert "fewer"; strike "seven" insert "five"; after "facility" insert a period and strike remainder of line

Strike lines 33 and 34, insert:

"Sec. 4.  Emergency

This act is an emergency measure that is necessary to preserve the public peace, health or safety and is operative immediately as provided by law."

Amend title to conform







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C: mjh