Bill Number: S.B. 1469

                                                                                                              Biggs Floor Amendment

                                                                                                              Reference to: printed bill

                                                                                        Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





·         AG FTEs add 7 (p. 10)

·         Charter Schools - add $219K, 3 FTEs (p. 12)

·         Comm Colleges - add $2 M for Pinal (p. 15)

·         Make State Board of Education a separate state agency.  (pg. 24)

·         Eliminate $1 M for Information Technology Certifications and instead use it for JTED Soft Capital. (pg. 26)

·         Change Basic State Aid to reflect 2 year charter conversion phase out and 3 year small school weight phase out. (p.25)

·         DEMA - Technical footnote correction (pg. 27)

·         Forester - Add $75K Environmental County Grants (pg. 30)

·         DOR - 2 footnotes: 1) clarifying that approp includes $3.15 M for private fraud detection and requiring RFP, and 2) requiring individual income tax credit report from DOR by 9/30/15 (pg. 50)

·         SFB: Removing $1.0 M transfer to Emergency Deficiencies (separate section does this in FY 15) (pg. 51)

·         Treasurer: Add $40K to operating budget from State Treasurer Empowerment Scholarship Account Fund (pg . 53)

·         Universities: Change reduction to $(99) M (pg. 55-59)

·         IRC: Make FY 15 appropriation non-lapsing through FY 16 (pg. 64)

·         SFB: Make $1.0 M transfer to Emergency Deficiencies in FY 15 (companion to pg. 51) (pg. 64)

·         BSF: Change required GF ending balance in FY 15 from $1 M to $12 M (pg. 64)

·         AG Fund Transfer: Shift from Consumer Protection - Consumer Fraud to Consumer Remediation Subaccount (pg. 68)

·         Courts: Change fund sweeps, eliminate FY 17 and FY 18 sweeps (pg. 69-70)

·         Change bottom-line estimates of revenues and expenditures (pg. 75-76)


Fifty-second Legislature                                                    Biggs

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1469




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 10, line 20, strike "558.9" insert "565.9"

Page 12, line 10, strike "11.0" insert "14.0"

Lines 11 and 13, strike "990,200" insert "1,209,200"

Page 15, between lines 14 and 15, insert:

"Pinal                        1,903,500"

Line 18, strike "16,277,100" insert "18,180,600"

Between lines 25 and 26, insert:

"Pinal                            96,500"

Line 30, strike "4,952,900" insert "5,049,400"

Lines 33 and 35, strike "47,224,800" insert "49,224,800"

Page 24, between lines 7 and 8, insert:



FTE positions                                11.0               

Lump sum appropriation               $  1,705,000               

Fund sources:

State general fund                   $  1,325,200               

Teacher certification fund               379,800"

Renumber to conform


Line 10, strike "175.9" insert "164.9"

Line 23, strike "2,436,911,100" insert "2,441,592,500"

Line 25, strike "2,389,551,600" insert "2,394,233,000"

Page 25, line 9, after "Statutes" insert ", and increase budget limits accordingly. The department shall also increase the budget limits of a school district that is not eligible to receive basic state aid funding for fiscal year 2015‑2016 by the amount that the district's budget limits would be increased under this line item if the school district was eligible to receive basic state aid funding for fiscal year 2015‑2016"

Line 12, strike "40,007,700" insert "39,917,300"

Line 14, after "Statutes" insert a period strike remainder of line; strike lines 15 through 17

Page 26, strike line 7; line 8, strike "certifications" insert "JTED soft capital and equipment"

Between lines 8 and 9, insert:

"The department of education shall distribute the appropriated amount to joint technical education districts with fewer than two thousand average daily membership pupils for soft capital and equipment expenses.  The appropriated amount shall be allocated on a pro rata basis based on the average daily membership of eligible joint technical education districts."

Strike lines 15 through 21

Lines 22 and 23, strike "state board of education and"

Line 25, strike "3,012,605,600" insert "3,015,582,000"

Line 27, strike "2,955,485,500" insert "2,958,841,700"

Line 30, strike "2,360,500" insert "1,980,700"

Page 27, line 18, strike "1,215,000" insert "215,000"

Line 21, strike "October" insert "December"

Page 30, line 5, strike "175,000" insert "250,000"

Lines 9 and 11, strike "5,946,800" insert "6,021,800"

Page 50, between lines 22 and 23, insert:

"The fiscal year 2015‑2016 appropriation for the department of revenue includes a $3,150,000 state general fund lump sum increase for contracting for private fraud prevention investigation services. Before awarding a contract for the services, the department shall make a request for proposals and review all submissions.

On or before September 30, 2015, the department of revenue shall report to the directors of the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting on the amount of individual income tax credits claimed in fiscal year 2014‑2015."

Page 51, strike lines 10 through 15

Page 53, line 35, strike "2,821,900" insert "2,861,900"

Line 39, strike "6,210,800" insert "6,250,800"

Page 54, line 2, strike "40,000" insert "80,000"

Page 55, line 11, strike "540,290,000" insert "542,436,800"

Line 16, strike "669,775,800" insert "671,922,600"

Line 18, strike "152,945,300" insert "155,092,100"

Line 22, strike "227,705,700" insert "229,852,500"

Page 56, line 4, strike "44,927,700" insert "45,098,400"

Line 7, strike "46,927,700" insert "47,098,400"

Line 9, strike "15,418,200" insert "15,588,900"

Line 14, strike "21,168,400" insert "21,339,100"

Line 37, strike "59,590,700" insert "59,801,400"

Line 40, strike "61,190,700" insert "61,401,400"

Page 57, line 2, strike "18,615,200" insert "18,825,900"

Line 7, strike "28,680,000" insert "28,890,700"

Line 31, strike "188,806,800" insert "189,628,300"

Line 35, strike "193,527,400" insert "194,348,900"

Line 37, strike "60,669,900" insert "61,491,400"

Line 40, strike "91,164,700" insert "91,986,200"

Page 58, line 26, strike "345,230,300" insert "346,556,800"

Line 31, strike "407,887,600" insert "409,214,100"

Line 33, strike "106,327,300" insert "107,653,800"

Line 37, strike "52,714,800" insert "52,738,600"

Line 43, strike "95,718,400" insert "95,742,200"

Page 59, line 2, strike "52,283,500" insert "52,307,300"

Line 5, strike "503,606,000" insert "504,956,300"

Line 7, strike "158,610,800" insert "159,961,100"

Page 59, line 10, strike "168,480,400" insert "169,806,900"

Line 14, strike "69,060,200" insert "69,084,000"

Page 62, line 14, after the period strike remainder of line; strike lines 15 through 19

Page 64, line 9, after the period strike remainder of line; strike lines 10 through 18

Between lines 18 and 19, insert:

"Sec. 120.  Independent redistricting commission; appropriation; fiscal year 2013-2014; exemption

Notwithstanding section 35‑190, Arizona Revised Statutes, the appropriation made by Laws 2014, chapter 3, section 1 to the independent redistricting commission is exempt from lapsing until June 30, 2016."

Renumber to conform

Between lines 37 and 38, insert:

"Sec. 124.  School facilities board; transfer of monies appropriated for fiscal year 2014-2015

Of the amount appropriated in the building renewal grants line item for fiscal year 2014‑2015, $1,000,000 shall be transferred to the emergency deficiencies correction fund established by section 15‑2022, Arizona Revised Statutes.  A school district receiving monies from the emergency deficiencies correction fund in fiscal year 2014‑2015 shall submit to the school facilities board a plan to improve the school's preventative maintenance building systems."

Renumber to conform

Page 68, line 15, strike "1,000,000" insert "12,000,000"

Line 26, strike "Consumer protection – consumer fraud revolving fund" insert "Consumer restitution and remediation revolving fund – consumer remediation subaccount"

Page 69, line 20, strike "years" insert "year"; strike the comma

Strike line 21; line 22, strike "A."

Line 27, strike "200,000" insert "250,000"

Page 69, line 28, strike "450,000" insert "750,000"

Between lines 28 and 29, insert:

"Court appointed special advocate fund ‑ $500,000

 State aid to the courts fund - $100,000"

Between lines 29 and 30, insert:

"Criminal justice enhancement fund - $650,000"

Between lines 30 and 31, insert:

"Judicial collection enhancement fund - $500,000"

Line 31, strike "5,100,000" insert "3,000,000"

Strike lines 32 through 41

Page 70, strike lines 1 through 10

Page 72, lines 10 and 22, strike "state board of education" insert "department of education"

Page 75, line 38, strike "9,336,000,000" insert "9,347,000,000"

Line 40, strike "9,116,000,000" insert "9,126,000,000"

Line 42, strike "9,271,000,000" insert "9,267,000,000"

Line 43, strike "9,270,000,000" insert "9,290,000,000"

Page 76, line 2, strike "9,550,000,000" insert "9,549,000,000"

Line 3, strike "9,508,000,000" insert "9,522,000,000"

Amend title to conform







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C: meb