Bill Number: S.B. 1475

                                                                                                              Biggs Floor Amendment

                                                                                                              Reference to: printed bill

                                                                                        Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





Allows political subdivisions of this state, tribal governments and any university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR), subject to the approval of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS), to provide to Arizona Health Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) monies in addition to any state General Fund (GF) monies appropriated for critical access hospitals in order to qualify for additional federal monies, and stipulates that any amount of federal monies received shall be distributed as supplemental payments to critical access hospitals, and provides AHCCCS spending authority to distribute those monies that are received for FY 2016.

Removes the restriction stating that disproportionate share hospital payments attributed to the Maricopa County Special Health Care District may not exceed $105,945,500 for Fiscal Year 2015, and specifies that if the certification is provided for an amount greater than $105,945,500, AHCCCS is required to distribute a specified amount to the Maricopa County Special Health Care District and a specified amount of the federal funds participation in the state GF. Allows AHCCCS to make additional disproportionate share hospital payments to the Maricopa County Special Health Care District.

Stipulates after disproportionate share payments for FY 2015 and FY 2016 are made to the Maricopa County Special Health Care District, the Arizona State Hospital and private qualifying disproportionate share hospitals, the allocation of disproportionate share hospital payments designated by a political subdivision, tribal governments and universities must be made available first to qualifying private hospitals located outside the Phoenix metropolitan statistical area and the Tucson metropolitan statistical area before being made available to qualifying hospitals within the Phoenix Metropolitan Statistical Area and the Tucson Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Specifies that if the certification relating to disproportionate share funds for FY 2015 and FY 2016 is provided for an amount greater than a specified amount, AHCCCS is required to distribute a specified amount to the Maricopa County Special Health Care District and a specified amount of the federal funds participation in the state GF. Allows AHCCCS to make additional disproportionate share hospital payments to the Maricopa County Special Health Care District.

Clarifies that the AHCCCS provider rate cuts are an aggregate rate cut of five percent. Stipulates the administration may reduce provider payments by less than five percent if adjustments made to capitation rates for changes in utilization are less than the amount appropriated in the general appropriations act to AHCCCS only, instead of to AHCCCS and the Department of Health Services. Grants the Department of Health Services similar authority as AHCCCS to reduce provider rates up to an aggregate of five percent for all health care providers with similar exceptions. Allows the Department of Health Services to reduce provider payments by less than five percent if outlined conditions are met.

Removes the provision stating that for FY 2015-2016 AHCCCS capitation rate increases may not exceed three percent; and stipulates the Department of Health Services capitation rate increases may not exceed one and one-half percent in FY 2016-2017 and FY 2017-2018.

Makes technical and conforming changes.


Fifty-second Legislature                                                    Biggs

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1475




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 15, line 34, after the period strike remainder of line

Strike lines 35 through 44

Page 16, between lines 21 and 22, insert:

"U.  Subject to the approval of the centers for medicare and medicaid services, political subdivisions of this state, tribal governments and any university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona board of regents may provide to the Arizona health care cost containment system administration monies in addition to any state general fund monies appropriated for critical access hospitals in order to qualify for additional federal monies.  Any amount of federal monies received by this state pursuant to this subsection shall be distributed as supplemental payments to critical access hospitals."

Reletter to conform

Page 17, line 10, before "Disproportionate" insert "A."

Line 37, after the period strike remainder of line

Strike lines 38 and 39, insert "If the certification provided is for an amount greater than $105,945,500, the administration shall distribute $4,202,300 to the Maricopa county special health care district and shall deposit $68,328,000 of the federal funds participation in the state general fund.  The administration may make additional disproportionate share hospital payments to the Maricopa county special health care district pursuant to section 36‑2903.01, subsection P, Arizona Revised Statutes, and subsection B of this section."

Page 18, between lines 19 and 20, insert:

"B.  After the distributions made pursuant to subsection A of this section, the allocations of disproportionate share hospital payments made pursuant to section 36‑2903.01, subsection P, Arizona Revised Statutes, shall be made available first to qualifying private hospitals located outside of the Phoenix metropolitan statistical area and the Tucson metropolitan statistical area before being made available to qualifying hospitals within the Phoenix metropolitan statistical area and the Tucson metropolitan statistical area."

Page 20, line 31, before "Disproportionate" insert "A."

Page 21, line 12, after the period strike remainder of line

Strike lines 13 and 14, insert "If the certification provided is for an amount greater than $113,818,500, the administration shall distribute $4,202,300 to the Maricopa county special health care district and shall deposit $74,241,400 of the federal funds participation in the state general fund.  The administration may make additional disproportionate share hospital payments to the Maricopa county special health care district pursuant to section 36‑2903.01, subsection P, Arizona Revised Statutes, and subsection B of this section."

Between lines 39 and 40, insert:

"B.  After the distributions made pursuant to subsection A of this section, the allocations of disproportionate share hospital payments made pursuant to section 36‑2903.01, subsection P, Arizona Revised Statutes, shall be made available first to qualifying private hospitals located outside of the Phoenix metropolitan statistical area and the Tucson metropolitan statistical area before being made available to qualifying hospitals within the Phoenix metropolitan statistical area and the Tucson metropolitan statistical area."

Page 24, line 38, after "to" insert "an aggregate of"

Page 25, line 1, strike "and the department of health services"

Between lines 6 and 7, insert:

"Sec. 17.  Department of health services; health care provider rate reduction

A.  Notwithstanding any other law, for rates effective October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016, the department of health services may reduce payments up to an aggregate of five percent for all health care providers, excluding nursing facility, developmental disability and home and community based health care providers.

B.  The department of health services may reduce provider payments by less than the percentage specified under subsection A of this section if adjustments to capitation rates for changes in utilization for the period October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016 are less than the amounts appropriated in the general appropriation act to the department of health services for a three percent capitation rate increase in fiscal year 2015‑2016. The fiscal impact of reducing provider payments by less than the percentage specified under subsection A of this section may not exceed the amount by which the appropriation for capitation rates in fiscal year 2015‑2016 exceeds utilization adjustments.

Sec. 18.  AHCCCS; voluntary critical access hospital payments; appropriation; fiscal year 2015‑2016; notification

Any monies received for critical access hospital payments from political subdivisions of this state, tribal governments and any university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona board of regents, and any federal monies used to match those payments, that are received in fiscal year 2015‑2016 by the Arizona health care cost containment system administration are appropriated to the administration in fiscal year 2015‑2016.  Before the expenditure of these monies, the administration shall notify the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting of the amount of monies that will be expended under this section."

Renumber to conform

Page 27, line 5, after the second period insert "AHCCCS;"

Line 7, after "exceed" strike remainder of line

Line 8, strike "2015‑2016 and"

Between lines 9 and 10, insert:

"Sec. 27.  Department of health services; capitation rate increases

The department of health services capitation rate increases may not exceed one and one‑half percent in fiscal years 2016‑2017 and 2017‑2018."

Renumber to conform

Amend title to conform







10:13 PM

C: mjh