Bill Number: S.B. 1478

                                                                                                              Biggs Floor Amendment

                                                                                                              Reference to: printed bill

                                                                          Amendment drafted by: Legislative Council





Provides that a child who is adjudicated delinquent for an offense that is not a felony offense may be committed to the Department of Juvenile Corrections (ADJC) only if the child has been previously adjudicated delinquent for an offense that is a felony or is seriously mentally ill.


Instead of requiring counties pay for 25 percent of the aggregate number of days that youths are confined to ADJC, the amendment requires ADJC to annually assess a committed youth confinement cost sharing fee to each county.  Declares that it is the intent of the legislature that the amount of the annual committed youth confinement cost sharing fee is equal to each county’s proportional share of $12,000,000, using population data from the most recent U.S. census.  Allows a county to meet the cost sharing requirements from any source of county revenue designated by the county, including monies of any countywide special taxing jurisdiction in which the Board of Supervisors serves as the Board of Directors.


Provides that the Department of Corrections award for a contract or contracts to open up medium security beds may be pursuant to more than one request for proposals for a total of 2,000 medium security prison beds.


Fifty-second Legislature                                                    Biggs

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1478




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 1, strike lines 5 through 8, insert:

"A.  A child who is any of the following shall not be committed or awarded to the department of juvenile corrections:

1.  Adjudicated delinquent for an offense that is not a felony unless the child has been previously adjudicated delinquent for an offense that is a felony or is seriously mentally ill.

2.  Under fourteen years of age.

3.  A dependent or incorrigible child.END_STATUTE"

Page 2, lines 35 and 36, strike "joint legislative budget committee review;"

Strike lines 37 through 46, insert:

            "A.  The department shall annually assess a committed youth confinement cost sharing fee to each county."

Reletter to conform

Page 3, between lines 13 and 14, insert:

            "D.  Notwithstanding any other law, a county may meet the cost sharing requirements of this section from any source of county revenue designated by the county, including monies of any countywide special taxing jurisdiction in which the board of supervisors serves as the board of directors."

Page 4, line 24, strike "a"

Line 25, strike "request" insert "requests"; after "to" insert "a total of"

Page 4, line 31, strike "request" insert "requests"

Between lines 41 and 42, insert:

"Sec. 13.  Legislative intent; county contribution amount for   committed youth in secure care facilities

It is the intent of the legislature that the amount of the annual committed youth confinement cost sharing fee that the director of the department of juvenile corrections must assess to each county for committed youth in secure care facilities pursuant to section 41‑2832, Arizona Revised Statutes, is each county's proportional share of $12,000,000, using population data from the most recent United States decennial census."

Renumber to conform

Amend title to conform







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