REFERENCE TITLE: preliminary protective hearings; review hearings




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-second Legislature

First Regular Session




HB 2375


Introduced by

Representative Brophy McGee





amending sections 8‑824 and 8‑847; Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to dependent children.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 8-824, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE8-824.  Preliminary protective hearing; probable cause; appointment of counsel

A.  The court shall hold a preliminary protective hearing to review the taking into temporary custody of a child pursuant to section 8‑821 as soon as possible, but not fewer than five days nor more than seven days after the child is taken into custody, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.  If clearly necessary to prevent abuse or neglect, to preserve the rights of a party or for other good cause shown, the court may grant one continuance that does not exceed five days schedule the hearing up to twelve days after the child is taken into custody.

B.  The following persons shall be present at the preliminary protective hearing:

1.  The child's parents or guardian, unless they cannot be located or they fail to appear in response to the notice.

2.  Counsel for the parents if one has been requested or retained.

3.  The child's guardian ad litem or attorney.

4.  The child safety worker and additional representatives of the department if requested by the department.

5.  Counsel for the child safety worker.

C.  If the court finds that it is in the best interests of the child, the court may allow the following to be present at the preliminary protective hearing:

1.  The child.

2.  Any relative or other interested person with whom the child is or might be placed as described in section 8‑845, subsection A.

3.  Witnesses called by the parties.

4.  An advocate or interested person as requested by the parent or guardian.

5.  Other persons who have knowledge of or an interest in the welfare of the child.

D.  At the hearing, the court shall advise the parent or guardian of the following rights:

1.  The right to counsel, including appointed counsel if the parent or guardian is indigent.

2.  The right to cross‑examine all witnesses who are called to testify against the parent or guardian.

3.  The right to trial by court on the allegations in the petition.

4.  The right to use the process of the court to compel the attendance of witnesses.

E.  At the hearing, the court:

1.  Shall receive a report of any agreement reached pursuant to section 8‑823, subsection D.  The report may be made orally.

2.  Shall provide an opportunity for the child's parent or guardian, if present, and any other person who has relevant knowledge, to provide relevant testimony.

3.  May limit testimony and evidence that is beyond the scope of the removal of the child, the child's need for continued protection, placement, visitation and services to be provided to the child and family.

4.  May take into consideration as a mitigating factor the participation of the parent or guardian in the healthy families program established by section 8‑481.

5.  Shall take into consideration as a mitigating factor the availability of reasonable services to the parent or guardian to prevent or eliminate the need for removal of the child and the effort of the parent or guardian to obtain and participate in these services.

6.  Shall inform the child's parent or guardian that the hearing may result in further proceedings to terminate parental rights.

7.  Shall order the parent or guardian to provide the court with the names, the type of relationship and all available information necessary to locate persons who are related to the child or who have a significant relationship with the child.  If there is not sufficient information available to locate a relative or person with a significant relationship with the child, the parent or guardian shall inform the court of this fact.  The court shall further order the parent or guardian to inform the department immediately if the parent or guardian becomes aware of information related to the existence or location of a relative or person with a significant relationship to the child.

8.  Shall inform the parent that substantially neglecting or wilfully refusing to remedy the circumstances that cause the child to be in an out‑of‑home placement, including refusing to participate in reunification services, is grounds for termination of parental rights to a child.

9.  Shall give paramount consideration to the health and safety of the child.

10.  Shall determine whether the department is attempting to identify and assess placement of the child with a grandparent or another member of the child's extended family including a person who has a significant relationship with the child.

11.  Shall inform a foster parent, a preadoptive parent or a member of the child's extended family with whom the department has placed the child of the right to be heard in any proceeding to be held with respect to the child.

F.  The petitioner has the burden of presenting evidence as to whether there is probable cause to believe that continued temporary custody is clearly necessary to prevent abuse or neglect pending the hearing on the dependency petition.

G.  The department must make reasonable efforts to place a child with siblings and, if that is not possible, to maintain frequent visitation or other ongoing contact between all siblings.

H.  If the child is in the temporary custody of the department, the department shall submit not later than the day before the hearing a written report to the court and the parties that states:

1.  The reasons the child was removed from the parent's or guardian's custody.

2.  Any services that have been provided to the child or the child's parent or guardian to prevent removal.

3.  The need, if any, for continued temporary custody.

4.  The types of service needed to facilitate the return of the child to the custody of the child's parents or guardian.

5.  If the child is not placed with a grandparent, whether the child has any relatives or other interested parties as described in section 8‑845, subsection A who may be able and willing to take temporary custody.

6.  Any services that are requested by the parent or guardian but that are not provided and the reasons the services were not provided.

7.  What efforts the department has made to place siblings together, and if they are not placed together, the specific reasons why this did not occur.

8.  If the placement of siblings together was not possible for all or any of the siblings, efforts the department has made to facilitate communications among siblings and a proposal for frequent visitation or contact pursuant to subsection G of this section.  If frequent visitation or contact with siblings is not recommended, the department shall state the reasons why this would be contrary to the child's or a sibling's safety or well-being.

9.  A proposal for visitation with the child's parents or guardian and the results of any visitation that has occurred since the child was removed. The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to a specific parent or guardian if there is a court order relating to a criminal case that prohibits that parent or guardian from contact with the child.  Before the department allows visitation it must first determine that there are no court orders relating to any superior court criminal case that prohibit the parent or guardian from contact with the child.

10.  A proposed case plan for services to the family.

I.  The parent or guardian shall state whether the parent or guardian admits or denies the allegations in the petition filed pursuant to section 8‑841.  If the parent or guardian admits or does not contest the allegations in the petition, the court shall determine that the parent or guardian understands the rights described in subsection D of this section and that the parent or guardian knowingly, intelligently and voluntarily waives these rights.

J.  At the hearing, if the child is not returned to the parent or guardian, the court shall:

1.  Enter orders regarding the placement of the child pending the determination of the dependency petition and visitation, if any.

2.  If a relative is identified as a possible placement for the child, notify the relative of the right to be heard in any proceeding to be held with respect to the child.

3.  Determine if the tasks and services set forth in the case plan are reasonable and necessary to carry out the case plan. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 8-847, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE8-847.  Periodic review hearings

A.  After the disposition hearing, the court shall hold periodic review hearings at least once every six months as required by federal law.

B.  At a proceeding to review the disposition orders of the court, the court shall provide the following persons notice of the review and the right to participate in the proceeding:

1.  The authorized agency charged with the child's care and custody.

2.  Any foster parents in whose home the child resided within the last six months or resides at present, except for those foster parents who maintain a receiving foster home where the child has resided for ten days or less.  The petitioner shall provide the court with the names and addresses of all foster parents who are entitled to notice pursuant to statute.

3.  2.  A shelter care facility or receiving foster home where the child resides or has resided within the last six months for more than ten days.  The petitioner shall provide the court with the names and addresses of all shelter care facilities and receiving foster homes that are entitled to notice pursuant to this paragraph.

4.  3.  The child's parent or guardian unless the parental rights of that parent or guardian have been terminated by court action or unless the parent has relinquished rights to the child to an agency or has consented to the adoption of the child as provided in section 8‑107.

5.  4.  The child, if twelve years of age or older.

6.  5.  The child's relative, as defined in section 8‑501, if that relative files a written notice of right of participation with the court.

7.  6.  A person permitted by the court to intervene as a party in the dependency proceeding.

8.  7.  A physical custodian of the child within the preceding six months.

9.  8.  Any person who has filed a petition to adopt or who has physical custody pursuant to a court order in a foster‑adoptive placement.

10.  9.  Any other person as the court may direct.

C.  The department shall provide notice of the review hearing and the right to participate in the proceeding to any foster parents in whose home the child resided within the last six months or resides at present, except for those foster parents who maintain a receiving foster home where the child has resided for ten days or fewer.

C.  D.  At the first periodic review hearing, the court shall consider whether a parent of a child who is under three years of age has substantially neglected or wilfully refused to participate in reunification services offered by the department.

D.  E.  At any periodic review hearing, the court shall consider the health and safety of the child as a paramount concern.

E.  F.  At any periodic review hearing the court shall determine:

1.  Whether the department has identified and assessed placement of the child with a relative or person who has a significant relationship with the child.

2.  Whether the parent or guardian has complied with the court order pursuant to section 8-824, subsection E, paragraph 7 or section 8-842, subsection B, paragraph 1.

F.  G.  If the court finds that a child is no longer dependent, before it dismisses the proceeding the court shall provide notice of the sibling information exchange program established pursuant to section 8‑543 to the following:

1.  An adult who is the former dependent child in the proceeding for whom the periodic review hearing is held.

2.  A parent or guardian with legal custody of the former dependent child for whom the periodic review hearing is held. END_STATUTE