Senate Engrossed




State of Arizona


Fifty-second Legislature

First Regular Session










amending sections 13‑3620 and 41‑1750, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to tribal social services agencies.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 13-3620, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE13-3620.  Duty to report abuse, physical injury, neglect and denial or deprivation of medical or surgical care or nourishment of minors; medical records; exception; violation; classification; definitions

A.  Any person who reasonably believes that a minor is or has been the victim of physical injury, abuse, child abuse, a reportable offense or neglect that appears to have been inflicted on the minor by other than accidental means or that is not explained by the available medical history as being accidental in nature or who reasonably believes there has been a denial or deprivation of necessary medical treatment or surgical care or nourishment with the intent to cause or allow the death of an infant who is protected under section 36‑2281 shall immediately report or cause reports to be made of this information to a peace officer, or to the department of child safety or to a tribal law enforcement or social services agency for any Indian minor who resides on an Indian reservation, except if the report concerns a person who does not have care, custody or control of the minor, the report shall be made to a peace officer only.  A member of the clergy, a christian science practitioner or a priest who has received a confidential communication or a confession in that person's role as a member of the clergy, as a christian science practitioner or as a priest in the course of the discipline enjoined by the church to which the member of the clergy, the christian science practitioner or the priest belongs may withhold reporting of the communication or confession if the member of the clergy, the christian science practitioner or the priest determines that it is reasonable and necessary within the concepts of the religion.  This exemption applies only to the communication or confession and not to personal observations the member of the clergy, the christian science practitioner or the priest may otherwise make of the minor.  For the purposes of this subsection, "person" means:

1.  Any physician, physician's assistant, optometrist, dentist, osteopath, chiropractor, podiatrist, behavioral health professional, nurse, psychologist, counselor or social worker who develops the reasonable belief in the course of treating a patient.

2.  Any peace officer, child welfare investigator, child safety worker, member of the clergy, priest or christian science practitioner.

3.  The parent, stepparent or guardian of the minor.

4.  School personnel or domestic violence victim advocates who develop the reasonable belief in the course of their employment.

5.  Any other person who has responsibility for the care or treatment of the minor.

B.  A report is not required under this section either:

1.  For conduct prescribed by sections 13‑1404 and 13‑1405 if the conduct involves only minors who are fourteen, fifteen, sixteen or seventeen years of age and there is nothing to indicate that the conduct is other than consensual.

2.  If a minor is of elementary school age, the physical injury occurs accidentally in the course of typical playground activity during a school day, occurs on the premises of the school that the minor attends and is reported to the legal parent or guardian of the minor and the school maintains a written record of the incident.

C.  If a physician, psychologist or behavioral health professional receives a statement from a person other than a parent, stepparent, guardian or custodian of the minor during the course of providing sex offender treatment that is not court ordered or that does not occur while the offender is incarcerated in the state department of corrections or the department of juvenile corrections, the physician, psychologist or behavioral health professional may withhold the reporting of that statement if the physician, psychologist or behavioral health professional determines it is reasonable and necessary to accomplish the purposes of the treatment.

D.  Reports shall be made immediately either electronically or by telephone.  The reports shall contain the following information, if known:

1.  The names and addresses of the minor and the minor's parents or the person or persons having custody of the minor.

2.  The minor's age and the nature and extent of the minor's abuse, child abuse, physical injury or neglect, including any evidence of previous abuse, child abuse, physical injury or neglect.

3.  Any other information that the person believes might be helpful in establishing the cause of the abuse, child abuse, physical injury or neglect.

E.  A health care professional who is regulated pursuant to title 32 and who, after a routine newborn physical assessment of a newborn infant's health status or following notification of positive toxicology screens of a newborn infant, reasonably believes that the newborn infant may be affected by the presence of alcohol or a drug listed in section 13‑3401 shall immediately report this information, or cause a report to be made, to the department of child safety.  For the purposes of this subsection, "newborn infant" means a newborn infant who is under thirty days of age.

F.  Any person other than one required to report or cause reports to be made under subsection A of this section who reasonably believes that a minor is or has been a victim of abuse, child abuse, physical injury, a reportable offense or neglect may report the information to a peace officer or to the department of child safety, except if the report concerns a person who does not have care, custody or control of the minor, the report shall be made to a peace officer only.

G.  A person who has custody or control of medical records of a minor for whom a report is required or authorized under this section shall make the records, or a copy of the records, available to a peace officer, child welfare investigator or child safety worker investigating the minor's neglect, child abuse, physical injury or abuse on written request for the records signed by the peace officer, child welfare investigator or child safety worker.  Records disclosed pursuant to this subsection are confidential and may be used only in a judicial or administrative proceeding or investigation resulting from a report required or authorized under this section.

H.  When reports are received by a peace officer, the officer shall immediately notify the department of child safety.  Notwithstanding any other statute, when the department receives these reports, it shall immediately notify a peace officer in the appropriate jurisdiction.

I.  Any person who is required to receive reports pursuant to subsection A of this section may take or cause to be taken photographs of the minor and the vicinity involved.  Medical examinations of the involved minor may be performed.

J.  A person who furnishes a report, information or records required or authorized under this section, or a person who participates in a judicial or administrative proceeding or investigation resulting from a report, information or records required or authorized under this section, is immune from any civil or criminal liability by reason of that action unless the person acted with malice or unless the person has been charged with or is suspected of abusing or neglecting the child or children in question.

K.  Except for the attorney client privilege or the privilege under subsection L of this section, no privilege applies to any:

1.  Civil or criminal litigation or administrative proceeding in which a minor's neglect, dependency, abuse, child abuse, physical injury or abandonment is an issue.

2.  Judicial or administrative proceeding resulting from a report, information or records submitted pursuant to this section.

3.  Investigation of a minor's child abuse, physical injury, neglect or abuse conducted by a peace officer or the department of child safety.

L.  In any civil or criminal litigation in which a child's neglect, dependency, physical injury, abuse, child abuse or abandonment is an issue, a member of the clergy, a christian science practitioner or a priest shall not, without his consent, be examined as a witness concerning any confession made to him in his role as a member of the clergy, a christian science practitioner or a priest in the course of the discipline enjoined by the church to which he belongs.  This subsection does not discharge a member of the clergy, a christian science practitioner or a priest from the duty to report pursuant to subsection A of this section.

M.  If psychiatric records are requested pursuant to subsection G of this section, the custodian of the records shall notify the attending psychiatrist, who may excise from the records, before they are made available:

1.  Personal information about individuals other than the patient.

2.  Information regarding specific diagnosis or treatment of a psychiatric condition, if the attending psychiatrist certifies in writing that release of the information would be detrimental to the patient's health or treatment.

N.  If any portion of a psychiatric record is excised pursuant to subsection M of this section, a court, on application of a peace officer, child welfare investigator or child safety worker, may order that the entire record or any portion of the record that contains information relevant to the reported abuse, child abuse, physical injury or neglect be made available to the peace officer, child welfare investigator or child safety worker investigating the abuse, child abuse, physical injury or neglect.

O.  A person who violates this section is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor, except if the failure to report involves a reportable offense, the person is guilty of a class 6 felony.

P.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  "Abuse" has the same meaning prescribed in section 8‑201.

2.  "Child abuse" means child abuse pursuant to section 13‑3623.

3.  "Neglect" has the same meaning prescribed in section 8‑201.

4.  "Reportable offense" means any of the following:

(a)  Any offense listed in chapters 14 and 35.1 of this title or section 13‑3506.01.

(b)  Surreptitious photographing, videotaping, filming or digitally recording or viewing a minor pursuant to section 13‑3019.

(c)  Child prostitution pursuant to section 13‑3212.

(d)  Incest pursuant to section 13‑3608.

(e)  Unlawful mutilation pursuant to section 13‑1214. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 41-1750, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-1750.  Central state repository; department of public safety; duties; funds; accounts; definitions

A.  The department is responsible for the effective operation of the central state repository in order to collect, store and disseminate complete and accurate Arizona criminal history records and related criminal justice information.  The department shall:

1.  Procure from all criminal justice agencies in this state accurate and complete personal identification data, fingerprints, charges, process control numbers and dispositions and such other information as may be pertinent to all persons who have been charged with, arrested for, convicted of or summoned to court as a criminal defendant for a felony offense or an offense involving domestic violence as defined in section 13‑3601 or a violation of title 13, chapter 14 or title 28, chapter 4.

2.  Collect information concerning the number and nature of offenses known to have been committed in this state and of the legal steps taken in connection with these offenses, such other information that is useful in the study of crime and in the administration of criminal justice and all other information deemed necessary to operate the statewide uniform crime reporting program and to cooperate with the federal government uniform crime reporting program.

3.  Collect information concerning criminal offenses that manifest evidence of prejudice based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender or disability.

4.  Cooperate with the central state repositories in other states and with the appropriate agency of the federal government in the exchange of information pertinent to violators of the law.

5.  Ensure the rapid exchange of information concerning the commission of crime and the detection of violators of the law among the criminal justice agencies of other states and of the federal government.

6.  Furnish assistance to peace officers throughout this state in crime scene investigation for the detection of latent fingerprints and in the comparison of latent fingerprints.

7.  Conduct periodic operational audits of the central state repository and of a representative sample of other agencies that contribute records to or receive criminal justice information from the central state repository or through the Arizona criminal justice information system.

8.  Establish and enforce the necessary physical and system safeguards to ensure that the criminal justice information maintained and disseminated by the central state repository or through the Arizona criminal justice information system is appropriately protected from unauthorized inquiry, modification, destruction or dissemination as required by this section.

9.  Aid and encourage coordination and cooperation among criminal justice agencies through the statewide and interstate exchange of criminal justice information.

10.  Provide training and proficiency testing on the use of criminal justice information to agencies receiving information from the central state repository or through the Arizona criminal justice information system.

11.  Operate and maintain the Arizona automated fingerprint identification system established by section 41‑2411.

12.  Provide criminal history record information to the fingerprinting division for the purpose of screening applicants for fingerprint clearance cards.

B.  The director may establish guidelines for the submission and retention of criminal justice information as deemed useful for the study or prevention of crime and for the administration of criminal justice.

C.  The chief officers of criminal justice agencies of this state or its political subdivisions shall provide to the central state repository fingerprints and information concerning personal identification data, descriptions, crimes for which persons are arrested, process control numbers and dispositions and such other information as may be pertinent to all persons who have been charged with, arrested for, convicted of or summoned to court as criminal defendants for felony offenses or offenses involving domestic violence as defined in section 13‑3601 or violations of title 13, chapter 14 or title 28, chapter 4 that have occurred in this state.

D.  The chief officers of law enforcement agencies of this state or its political subdivisions shall provide to the department such information as necessary to operate the statewide uniform crime reporting program and to cooperate with the federal government uniform crime reporting program.

E.  The chief officers of criminal justice agencies of this state or its political subdivisions shall comply with the training and proficiency testing guidelines as required by the department to comply with the federal national crime information center mandates.

F.  The chief officers of criminal justice agencies of this state or its political subdivisions also shall provide to the department information concerning crimes that manifest evidence of prejudice based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender or disability.

G.  The director shall authorize the exchange of criminal justice information between the central state repository, or through the Arizona criminal justice information system, whether directly or through any intermediary, only as follows:

1.  With criminal justice agencies of the federal government, Indian tribes, this state or its political subdivisions and other states, on request by the chief officers of such agencies or their designated representatives, specifically for the purposes of the administration of criminal justice and for evaluating the fitness of current and prospective criminal justice employees.

2.  With any noncriminal justice agency pursuant to a statute, ordinance or executive order that specifically authorizes the noncriminal justice agency to receive criminal history record information for the purpose of evaluating the fitness of current or prospective licensees, employees, contract employees or volunteers, on submission of the subject's fingerprints and the prescribed fee.  Each statute, ordinance, or executive order that authorizes noncriminal justice agencies to receive criminal history record information for these purposes shall identify the specific categories of licensees, employees, contract employees or volunteers, and shall require that fingerprints of the specified individuals be submitted in conjunction with such requests for criminal history record information.

3.  With the board of fingerprinting for the purpose of conducting good cause exceptions pursuant to section 41‑619.55 and central registry exceptions pursuant to section 41‑619.57.

4.  With any individual for any lawful purpose on submission of the subject of record's fingerprints and the prescribed fee.

5.  With the governor, if the governor elects to become actively involved in the investigation of criminal activity or the administration of criminal justice in accordance with the governor's constitutional duty to ensure that the laws are faithfully executed or as needed to carry out the other responsibilities of the governor's office.

6.  With regional computer centers that maintain authorized computer‑to‑computer interfaces with the department, that are criminal justice agencies or under the management control of a criminal justice agency and that are established by a statute, ordinance or executive order to provide automated data processing services to criminal justice agencies specifically for the purposes of the administration of criminal justice or evaluating the fitness of regional computer center employees who have access to the Arizona criminal justice information system and the national crime information center system.

7.  With an individual who asserts a belief that criminal history record information relating to the individual is maintained by an agency or in an information system in this state that is subject to this section.  On submission of fingerprints, the individual may review this information for the purpose of determining its accuracy and completeness by making application to the agency operating the system.  Rules adopted under this section shall include provisions for administrative review and necessary correction of any inaccurate or incomplete information.  The review and challenge process authorized by this paragraph is limited to criminal history record information.

8.  With individuals and agencies pursuant to a specific agreement with a criminal justice agency to provide services required for the administration of criminal justice pursuant to that agreement if the agreement specifically authorizes access to data, limits the use of data to purposes for which given and ensures the security and confidentiality of the data consistent with this section.

9.  With individuals and agencies for the express purpose of research, evaluative or statistical activities pursuant to an agreement with a criminal justice agency if the agreement specifically authorizes access to data, limits the use of data to research, evaluative or statistical purposes and ensures the confidentiality and security of the data consistent with this section.

10.  With the auditor general for audit purposes.

11.  With central state repositories of other states for noncriminal justice purposes for dissemination in accordance with the laws of those states.

12.  On submission of the fingerprint card, with the department of child safety and a tribal social services agency to provide criminal history record information on prospective adoptive parents for the purpose of conducting the preadoption certification investigation under title 8, chapter 1, article 1 if the department of economic security is conducting the investigation, or with an agency or a person appointed by the court, if the agency or person is conducting the investigation.  Information received under this paragraph shall only be used for the purposes of the preadoption certification investigation.

13.  With the department of child safety, a tribal social services agency and the superior court for the purpose of evaluating the fitness of custodians or prospective custodians of juveniles, including parents, relatives and prospective guardians.  Information received under this paragraph shall only be used for the purposes of that evaluation.  The information shall be provided on submission of either:

(a)  The fingerprint card.

(b)  The name, date of birth and social security number of the person.

14.  On submission of a fingerprint card, provide criminal history record information to the superior court for the purpose of evaluating the fitness of investigators appointed under section 14‑5303 or 14‑5407, guardians appointed under section 14‑5206 or 14‑5304 or conservators appointed under section 14‑5401.

15.  With the supreme court to provide criminal history record information on prospective fiduciaries pursuant to section 14‑5651.

16.  With the department of juvenile corrections to provide criminal history record information pursuant to section 41‑2814.

17.  On submission of the fingerprint card, provide criminal history record information to the Arizona peace officer standards and training board or a board certified law enforcement academy to evaluate the fitness of prospective cadets.

18.  With the internet sex offender web site database established pursuant to section 13‑3827.

19.  With licensees of the United States nuclear regulatory commission for the purpose of determining whether an individual should be granted unescorted access to the protected area of a commercial nuclear generating station on submission of the subject of record's fingerprints and the prescribed fee.

20.  With the state board of education for the purpose of evaluating the fitness of a certificated teacher or administrator or an applicant for a teaching or an administrative certificate provided that the state board of education or its employees or agents have reasonable suspicion that the certificated person engaged in conduct that would be a criminal violation of the laws of this state or was involved in immoral or unprofessional conduct or that the applicant engaged in conduct that would warrant disciplinary action if the applicant were certificated at the time of the alleged conduct. The information shall be provided on the submission of either:

(a)  The fingerprint card.

(b)  The name, date of birth and social security number of the person.

21.  With each school district and charter school in this state.  The state board of education and the state board for charter schools shall provide the department of public safety with a current list of e‑mail addresses for each school district and charter school in this state and shall periodically provide the department of public safety with updated e-mail addresses.  If the department of public safety is notified that a person who is required to have a fingerprint clearance card to be employed by or to engage in volunteer activities at a school district or charter school has been arrested for or convicted of an offense listed in section 41‑1758.03, subsection B or has been arrested for or convicted of an offense that amounts to unprofessional conduct under section 15‑550, the department of public safety shall notify each school district and charter school in this state that the person's fingerprint clearance card has been suspended or revoked.

22.  With a tribal social services agency and the department of child safety as provided by law, which currently is the Adam Walsh child protection and safety act of 2006 (42 United States Code section 16961), for the purposes of investigating or responding to reports of child abuse, neglect or exploitation.  Information received pursuant to this paragraph from the national crime information center, the interstate identification index and the Arizona criminal justice information system network shall only be used for the purposes of investigating or responding as prescribed in this paragraph.  The information shall be provided on submission to the department of public safety of either:

(a)  The fingerprints of the person being investigated.

(b)  The name, date of birth and social security number of the person.

23.  With a nonprofit organization that interacts with children or vulnerable adults for the lawful purpose of evaluating the fitness of all current and prospective employees, contractors and volunteers of the organization.  The criminal history record information shall be provided on submission of the applicant fingerprint card and the prescribed fee.

24.  With the superior court for the purpose of determining an individual's eligibility for substance abuse and treatment courts in a family or juvenile case.

H.  The director shall adopt rules necessary to execute this section.

I.  The director, in the manner prescribed by law, shall remove and destroy records that the director determines are no longer of value in the detection or prevention of crime.

J.  The director shall establish a fee in an amount necessary to cover the cost of federal noncriminal justice fingerprint processing for criminal history record information checks that are authorized by law for noncriminal justice employment, licensing or other lawful purposes.  An additional fee may be charged by the department for state noncriminal justice fingerprint processing.  Fees submitted to the department for state noncriminal justice fingerprint processing are not refundable.

K.  The director shall establish a fee in an amount necessary to cover the cost of processing copies of department reports, eight by ten inch black and white photographs or eight by ten inch color photographs of traffic accident scenes.

L.  Except as provided in subsection O of this section, each agency authorized by this section may charge a fee, in addition to any other fees prescribed by law, in an amount necessary to cover the cost of state and federal noncriminal justice fingerprint processing for criminal history record information checks that are authorized by law for noncriminal justice employment, licensing or other lawful purposes.

M.  A fingerprint account within the records processing fund is established for the purpose of separately accounting for the collection and payment of fees for noncriminal justice fingerprint processing by the department.  Monies collected for this purpose shall be credited to the account, and payments by the department to the United States for federal noncriminal justice fingerprint processing shall be charged against the account.  Monies in the account not required for payment to the United States shall be used by the department in support of the department's noncriminal justice fingerprint processing duties.  At the end of each fiscal year, any balance in the account not required for payment to the United States or to support the department's noncriminal justice fingerprint processing duties reverts to the state general fund.

N.  A records processing fund is established for the purpose of separately accounting for the collection and payment of fees for department reports and photographs of traffic accident scenes processed by the department.  Monies collected for this purpose shall be credited to the fund and shall be used by the department in support of functions related to providing copies of department reports and photographs.  At the end of each fiscal year, any balance in the fund not required for support of the functions related to providing copies of department reports and photographs reverts to the state general fund.

O.  The department of child safety may pay from appropriated monies the cost of federal fingerprint processing or federal criminal history record information checks that are authorized by law for employees and volunteers of the department, guardians pursuant to section 8‑453, subsection A, paragraph 6, the licensing of foster parents or the certification of adoptive parents.

P.  The director shall adopt rules that provide for:

1.  The collection and disposition of fees pursuant to this section.

2.  The refusal of service to those agencies that are delinquent in paying these fees.

Q.  The director shall ensure that the following limitations are observed regarding dissemination of criminal justice information obtained from the central state repository or through the Arizona criminal justice information system:

1.  Any criminal justice agency that obtains criminal justice information from the central state repository or through the Arizona criminal justice information system assumes responsibility for the security of the information and shall not secondarily disseminate this information to any individual or agency not authorized to receive this information directly from the central state repository or originating agency.

2.  Dissemination to an authorized agency or individual may be accomplished by a criminal justice agency only if the dissemination is for criminal justice purposes in connection with the prescribed duties of the agency and not in violation of this section.

3.  Criminal history record information disseminated to noncriminal justice agencies or to individuals shall be used only for the purposes for which it was given.  Secondary dissemination is prohibited unless otherwise authorized by law.

4.  The existence or nonexistence of criminal history record information shall not be confirmed to any individual or agency not authorized to receive the information itself.

5.  Criminal history record information to be released for noncriminal justice purposes to agencies of other states shall only be released to the central state repositories of those states for dissemination in accordance with the laws of those states.

6.  Criminal history record information shall be released to noncriminal justice agencies of the federal government pursuant to the terms of the federal security clearance information act (P.L. 99‑169).

R.  This section and the rules adopted under this section apply to all agencies and individuals collecting, storing or disseminating criminal justice information processed by manual or automated operations if the collection, storage or dissemination is funded in whole or in part with monies made available by the law enforcement assistance administration after July 1, 1973, pursuant to title I of the crime control act of 1973, and to all agencies that interact with or receive criminal justice information from or through the central state repository and through the Arizona criminal justice information system.

S.  This section does not apply to criminal history record information contained in:

1.  Posters, arrest warrants, announcements or lists for identifying or apprehending fugitives or wanted persons.

2.  Original records of entry such as police blotters maintained by criminal justice agencies, compiled chronologically and required by law or long‑standing custom to be made public if these records are organized on a chronological basis.

3.  Transcripts or records of judicial proceedings if released by a court or legislative or administrative proceedings.

4.  Announcements of executive clemency or pardon.

5.  Computer databases, other than the Arizona criminal justice information system, that are specifically designed for community notification of an offender's presence in the community pursuant to section 13‑3825 or for public informational purposes authorized by section 13‑3827.

T.  Nothing in this section prevents a criminal justice agency from disclosing to the public criminal history record information that is reasonably contemporaneous to the event for which an individual is currently within the criminal justice system, including information noted on traffic accident reports concerning citations, blood alcohol tests or arrests made in connection with the traffic accident being investigated.

U.  In order to ensure that complete and accurate criminal history record information is maintained and disseminated by the central state repository:

1.  The arresting authority shall take legible ten‑print fingerprints of all persons who are arrested for offenses listed in subsection C of this section including persons who are arrested and released pursuant to section 13‑3903, subsection C.  The arresting authority may transfer an arrestee to a booking agency for ten-print fingerprinting.  The arresting authority or booking agency shall obtain a process control number and provide to the person fingerprinted a document that indicates proof of the fingerprinting and that informs the person that the document must be presented to the court.

2.  The mandatory fingerprint compliance form shall contain the following information:

(a)  Whether ten-print fingerprints have been obtained from the person.

(b)  Whether a process control number was obtained.

(c)  The offense or offenses for which the process control number was obtained.

(d)  Any report number of the arresting authority.

(e)  Instructions on reporting for ten-print fingerprinting, including available times and locations for reporting for ten‑print fingerprinting.

(f)  Instructions that direct the person to provide the form to the court at the person's next court appearance.

3.  Within ten days after a person is fingerprinted, the arresting authority or agency that took the fingerprints shall forward the fingerprints to the department in the manner or form required by the department.

4.  On the issuance of a summons for a defendant who is charged with an offense listed in subsection C of this section, the summons shall direct the defendant to provide ten‑print fingerprints to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

5.  At the initial appearance or on the arraignment of a summoned defendant who is charged with an offense listed in subsection C of this section, if the person does not present a completed mandatory fingerprint compliance form to the court or if the court has not received the process control number, the court shall order that within twenty calendar days the defendant be ten-print fingerprinted at a designated time and place by the appropriate law enforcement agency.

6.  If the defendant fails to present a completed mandatory fingerprint compliance form or if the court has not received the process control number, the court, on its own motion, may remand the defendant into custody for ten‑print fingerprinting.  If otherwise eligible for release, the defendant shall be released from custody after being ten‑print fingerprinted.

7.  In every criminal case in which the defendant is incarcerated or fingerprinted as a result of the charge, an originating law enforcement agency or prosecutor, within forty days of the disposition, shall advise the central state repository of all dispositions concerning the termination of criminal proceedings against an individual arrested for an offense specified in subsection C of this section.  This information shall be submitted on a form or in a manner required by the department.

8.  Dispositions resulting from formal proceedings in a court having jurisdiction in a criminal action against an individual who is arrested for an offense specified in subsection C of this section or section 8‑341, subsection V, paragraph 3 shall be reported to the central state repository within forty days of the date of the disposition.  This information shall be submitted on a form or in a manner specified by rules approved by the supreme court.

9.  The state department of corrections or the department of juvenile corrections, within forty days, shall advise the central state repository that it has assumed supervision of a person convicted of an offense specified in subsection C of this section or section 8‑341, subsection V, paragraph 3. The state department of corrections or the department of juvenile corrections shall also report dispositions that occur thereafter to the central state repository within forty days of the date of the dispositions.  This information shall be submitted on a form or in a manner required by the department of public safety.

10.  Each criminal justice agency shall query the central state repository before dissemination of any criminal history record information to ensure the completeness of the information.  Inquiries shall be made before any dissemination except in those cases in which time is of the essence and the repository is technically incapable of responding within the necessary time period.  If time is of the essence, the inquiry shall still be made and the response shall be provided as soon as possible.

V.  The director shall adopt rules specifying that any agency that collects, stores or disseminates criminal justice information that is subject to this section shall establish effective security measures to protect the information from unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or dissemination.  The rules shall include reasonable safeguards to protect the affected information systems from fire, flood, wind, theft, sabotage or other natural or man‑made hazards or disasters.

W.  The department shall make available to agencies that contribute to, or receive criminal justice information from, the central state repository or through the Arizona criminal justice information system a continuing training program in the proper methods for collecting, storing and disseminating information in compliance with this section.

X.  Nothing in this section creates a cause of action or a right to bring an action including an action based on discrimination due to sexual orientation.

Y.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  "Administration of criminal justice" means performance of the detection, apprehension, detention, pretrial release, posttrial release, prosecution, adjudication, correctional supervision or rehabilitation of criminal offenders.  Administration of criminal justice includes enforcement of criminal traffic offenses and civil traffic violations, including parking violations, when performed by a criminal justice agency.  Administration of criminal justice also includes criminal identification activities and the collection, storage and dissemination of criminal history record information.

2.  "Administrative records" means records that contain adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures and essential transactions of the agency and that are designed to furnish information to protect the rights of this state and of persons directly affected by the agency's activities.

3.  "Arizona criminal justice information system" or "system" means the statewide information system managed by the director for the collection, processing, preservation, dissemination and exchange of criminal justice information and includes the electronic equipment, facilities, procedures and agreements necessary to exchange this information.

4.  "Central state repository" means the central location within the department for the collection, storage and dissemination of Arizona criminal history records and related criminal justice information.

5.  "Criminal history record information" and "criminal history record" means information that is collected by criminal justice agencies on individuals and that consists of identifiable descriptions and notations of arrests, detentions, indictments and other formal criminal charges, and any disposition arising from those actions, sentencing, formal correctional supervisory action and release.  Criminal history record information and criminal history record do not include identification information to the extent that the information does not indicate involvement of the individual in the criminal justice system or information relating to juveniles unless they have been adjudicated as adults.

6.  "Criminal justice agency" means either:

(a)  A court at any governmental level with criminal or equivalent jurisdiction, including courts of any foreign sovereignty duly recognized by the federal government.

(b)  A government agency or subunit of a government agency that is specifically authorized to perform as its principal function the administration of criminal justice pursuant to a statute, ordinance or executive order and that allocates more than fifty per cent percent of its annual budget to the administration of criminal justice.  This subdivision includes agencies of any foreign sovereignty duly recognized by the federal government.

7.  "Criminal justice information" means information that is collected by criminal justice agencies and that is needed for the performance of their legally authorized and required functions, such as criminal history record information, citation information, stolen property information, traffic accident reports, wanted persons information and system network log searches. Criminal justice information does not include the administrative records of a criminal justice agency.

8.  "Disposition" means information disclosing that a decision has been made not to bring criminal charges or that criminal proceedings have been concluded or information relating to sentencing, correctional supervision, release from correctional supervision, the outcome of an appellate review of criminal proceedings or executive clemency.

9.  "Dissemination" means the written, oral or electronic communication or transfer of criminal justice information to individuals and agencies other than the criminal justice agency that maintains the information. Dissemination includes the act of confirming the existence or nonexistence of criminal justice information.

10.  "Management control":

(a)  Means the authority to set and enforce:

(i)  Priorities regarding development and operation of criminal justice information systems and programs.

(ii)  Standards for the selection, supervision and termination of personnel involved in the development of criminal justice information systems and programs and in the collection, maintenance, analysis and dissemination of criminal justice information.

(iii)  Policies governing the operation of computers, circuits and telecommunications terminals used to process criminal justice information to the extent that the equipment is used to process, store or transmit criminal justice information.

(b)  Includes the supervision of equipment, systems design, programming and operating procedures necessary for the development and implementation of automated criminal justice information systems.

11.  "Process control number" means the Arizona automated fingerprint identification system number that attaches to each arrest event at the time of fingerprinting and that is assigned to the arrest fingerprint card, disposition form and other pertinent documents.

12.  "Secondary dissemination" means the dissemination of criminal justice information from an individual or agency that originally obtained the information from the central state repository or through the Arizona criminal justice information system to another individual or agency.

13.  "Sexual orientation" means consensual homosexuality or heterosexuality.

14.  "Subject of record" means the person who is the primary subject of a criminal justice record. END_STATUTE