REFERENCE TITLE: psychotropic drugs; foster children; report




State of Arizona


Fifty-second Legislature

First Regular Session




SB 1297


Introduced by

Senator Lesko





amending title 8, chapter 4, article 4, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 8‑512.01; relating to foster children.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Title 8, chapter 4, article 4, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 8-512.01, to read:

START_STATUTE8-512.01.  Psychotropic medications; report; definition

A.  On or before June 30 of every even numbered year, the department of health services, the department of child safety and the Arizona health care cost containment system administration shall prepare a report that compares the prescription rate of psychotropic medications prescribed to foster children who receive services from the Arizona health care cost containment system with the prescription rate of psychotropic medications prescribed to nonfoster children who receive these services. 

B.  The report shall be submitted to the chairpersons of the House of representatives children and family affairs committee and the senate health and human services committee, or the chairpersons of any successor committees, and a copy of the report shall be provided to the secretary of state.

C.  For the purposes of this section, "psychotropic medication" means a medication that is prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of psychosis or another mental, emotional or behavioral disorder and that is used to exercise an effect on the central nervous system to influence and modify behavior, cognition or affective state.  Psychotropic medication includes all of the following when used as described in this subsection:

1.  Psychomotor stimulants.

2.  Antidepressants.

3.  Antipsychotics or neuroleptics.

4.  Agents for control of mania or depression.

5.  Antianxiety agents.

6.  Sedatives, hypnotics or other sleep-promoting medications. END_STATUTE