(Reference to Senate engrossed bill)
Page 1, between lines 25 and 26, insert:
"C. A charge of unprofessional conduct brought on or after the effective date of this amendment to this section against a psychologist arising out of court-ordered services shall be independently reviewed by three members of the board, including a public member. Each of the three board members who are reviewing the charge shall independently provide the board's executive director a recommendation indicating whether the member believes there is merit to open an investigation. If one or more of the board members who are reviewing the charge determine that there is merit to open an investigation, an investigation shall be opened and shall follow the complaint process pursuant to this article.
D. The board may not consider a complaint for administrative action if the complaint is filed against a person who is a licensed psychologist and who is a member of the board or a staff member of the board or who is acting as an agent of or consultant to the board if the complaint relates to the person's performance of board duties."
Reletter to conform
Page 2, lines 10, 20, 29 and 39, strike "D" insert "F"
Page 3, line 24, strike "D" insert "F"
Page 4, line 5, after "H" insert "or a decision made pursuant to subsection C of this section"
Amend title to conform