Fifty-second Legislature                                                   CFA

First Regular Session                                                H.B. 2075






(Reference to printed bill)


Page 1, line 14, after "attend" insert "school or"; after "program" insert ", or both, at least twenty hours per week"

Line 22, after "person" insert "knowingly"

Line 27, strike "eighteen" insert "nineteen"

Line 29, strike "five" insert "six"

Between lines 32 and 33, insert:

"(iv)  Has been determined to be physically or mentally unfit for employment by a health care professional in accordance with rules adopted by the administration."

Line 34, strike "unless" insert "That begins on the effective date of the waiver or amendment to the current section 1115 waiver and does not include any previous time a person received benefits under this article.  The lifetime limit under this paragraph does not include any time during which"

Line 37, strike "five" insert "six"

Line 41, strike "eighteen" insert "nineteen"

Between lines 44 and 45, insert:

"(f)  Is enrolled before reaching nineteen years of age.

(g)  is an eligible person as defined in section 36‑2901, paragraph 6, subdivision (a), item (iii).

Line 45, strike "copayments" insert "cost‑sharing requirements"

Page 2, between lines 3 and 4, insert:

"B.  In any year, the director shall apply under subsection A of this section for only the waivers or amendments to the current section 1115 waiver that have not been approved and are not in effect."

Reletter to conform

Line 11, strike "eighteen" insert "nineteen"

Page 2, after line 11, insert:

"Sec. 2.  Rulemaking; exemption

For the purposes of implementing this act, the Arizona health care cost containment system administration is exempt from the rulemaking requirements of title 41, chapter 6, Arizona Revised Statutes, for one year after the effective date of this act."

Amend title to conform



                                                JOHN M. ALLEN





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