Fifty-second Legislature                                                       ED

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2181




(Reference to printed bill)



Page 1, between lines 1 and 2, insert:

"Section 1.  Section 15-152, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-152.  Pest management at schools; notice

A.  The governing board of each school district, in consultation with teachers, parents, guardians, administrators, members of the public, a certified applicator, and at least one health professional, shall develop and adopt a policy to provide pupils and employees with at least forty‑eight hours' notice before pesticides are applied on school property.  The policy shall include at least the following:

1.  Procedures for providing the notification including:

(a)  Procedures for oral notification to pupils and employees during a regular school session.

(b)  Procedures for written notification to parents or guardians during a regular school session.

(c)  (b)  Procedures for the posting of signs to identify pesticide application areas.

2.  Procedures for requiring any contracted pest control applicator to provide detailed and sufficient information to the schools for the purpose of completing the posting materials.

3.  Procedures providing for continuing instruction for pupils who are absent because of pesticide application on school property.

B.  Each school district shall maintain written records of pesticide application notifications.  The school district may delegate to the pest control applicator the duty to fill out and post notices required by district policy.

C.  For purposes of this section "pesticides" does not include nonrestricted use disinfectants, sanitizers or deodorizers regulated by the federal insecticide, fungicide and rodenticide act but includes other pesticides regulated under the federal insecticide, fungicide and rodenticide act (P.L. 100‑532; 102 Stat. 2654; 7 United States Code section 136)."END_STATUTE

Renumber to conform

Page 1, line 3, strike "15‑102, 15‑152, 15‑342.01,"

Page 11, between lines 3 and 4, insert:

"Sec. 6.  Section 15-874, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-874.  Records; reporting requirements

A.  Each pupil's immunizations shall be recorded on the school immunization record.  The school immunization record shall be a standardized form developed by the department of health services in conjunction with the department of education and provided by the department of health services and shall be a part of the mandatory permanent student record.  The records are open to inspection by the department of health services and the local health department.

B.  Each immunization record shall contain at least the following information:

1.  The pupil's name and birth date.

2.  The date of the pupil's admission to the school.

3.  The type of immunizing agents administered to the pupil.

4.  The date each dose of immunizing agent is administered to the pupil.

5.  The established schedule for completion of immunizations if the pupil is admitted to or allowed to continue to attend a school pursuant to section 15‑872, subsection E.

6.  Laboratory evidence of immunity if this evidence is presented as part of a pupil's documentary proof.

7.  If an exemption from immunization as provided in section 15‑873 is submitted to the school administrator, the date the exemption is submitted and the reason for the exemption.

8.  Additional information prescribed by the director of the department of health services by rule.

C.  A school shall transfer an immunization record with the mandatory permanent student record and provide at no charge, on request, a copy of the immunization record to the parent or guardian of the pupil.

D.  By November 30 of each school year, each school district and private school shall complete and file a report with the local health department and the department of health services, using forms provided by the department of health services.  The report shall state the number of pupils attending who have completed required immunizations or who have submitted laboratory evidence of immunity, the number of pupils attending with uncompleted required immunizations and the number of pupils attending with an exemption from immunization pursuant to section 15‑873." END_STATUTE

Renumber to conform

Page 11, line 5, strike "Section" insert "Sections"; after "15‑891.01" insert "and 15‑1158"; strike "is" insert "are"

Strike lines 6 through 45

Strike page 12

Amend title to conform







04:09 PM

C: tdb