Fifty-second Legislature                                                   APPROP

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2517




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 1, strike lines 2 through 46

Page 2, strike lines 1 through 37, insert:

"Section 1.  Section 5-568, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE5-568.  Disposition of unclaimed prize money

Unclaimed prize money for the prize on a winning ticket or share shall be retained for the person entitled to the prize for one hundred eighty days after the drawing in which the prize was won in the case of a drawing prize and for one hundred eighty days after the announced end of the game in question in the case of a prize determined in any manner other than by means of a drawing.  If a claim is not made for the money within the applicable period, the money shall be transferred in the following amounts:

1.  Seventy per cent percent of the prize money shall be held in the state lottery prize fund for use as additional prizes in future games and except that four million five hundred thousand dollars shall be deposited in the internet crimes against children enforcement fund established by section 41‑199 and five hundred thousand dollars shall be deposited in the victims' rights enforcement fund established by section 41‑1727.

2.  Thirty per cent percent shall be transferred monthly to the court appointed special advocate fund established by section 8‑524.END_STATUTE"

Page 6, lines 14 and 38, strike "5‑572" insert "5‑568"

Amend title to conform







1:33 PM

C: sp