Fifty-second Legislature                                                   APPROP

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2610




(Reference to printed bill)



Page 1, line 4, after "college" insert "district"

Line 6, strike "each" insert "A governing board of a"; after "district" strike remainder of line

Line 7, strike "located" insert "with a full-time equivalent student enrollment pursuant to section 15-1466.01 of more than fifty thousand students"; strike "separate"; after "college" insert "district"

Line 8, strike "for each community college, as defined in section 15-1401,"

Lines 9 and 10, strike "by the community college district from collegiate plate annual donations for community colleges"

Strike lines 11 and 12

Line 13, strike "expenditure of monies in the appropriate" insert "The governing board shall administer the"

Line 14, after the period strike remainder of line

Strike lines 15 through 23

Reletter to conform

Line 25, after the second "of" insert "the governing board of"

Line 26, strike "where the community college is located"

Page 2, line 12, strike "as defined in section 15-1401" insert "district"

Line 15, strike "as defined in section"; line 16, strike "15-1401" insert "district"

Line 17, after "college" insert "district"

Line 28, strike "community college district where the community college is"; line 29, strike "located for placement in the appropriate"; after "college" insert "district"

Page 2, line 30, after "fund" insert "established by section 15-1447"

After line 35, insert:

"E.  For the purposes of this section, "community college district" means a community college district that all of the following:

1.  Is established pursuant to sections 15-1402 and 15-1403 or section 15-1402.01.

2.  Is a political subdivision of this state.

3.  Has a full-time equivalent student enrollment pursuant to section 15-1466.01 of more than fifty thousand students."END_STATUTE

Amend title to conform








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