Fifty-second Legislature                                Health and Human Services

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1075




(Reference to printed bill)


Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert:

"Section 1.  Title 41, chapter 35, article 1, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding sections 41-3805 and 41-3806, to read:

START_STATUTE41-3805.  Human rights committee on the mentally ill in prison; committee termination

A.  The human rights committee on the mentally ill in prison is established in the department of health services to promote the rights of prisoners who receive behavioral health services in prisons under the state department of corrections, including private prisons.

B.  The department of health services shall adopt rules to prescribe the powers and duties of the committee relating to behavioral health services.

C.  The committee shall consist of at least seven and not more than fifteen members appointed by the director of the department of health services with expertise in at least one of the following areas:

1.  Psychology.

2.  Law.

3.  Medicine.

4.  Education.

5.  Special education.

6.  Social work.

7.  Faith‑based community services.

D.  The committee shall be organized pursuant to this section and the requirements of section 41‑3804.

E.  The committee established by this section ends on July 1, 2023 pursuant to section 41‑3103. END_STATUTE

START_STATUTE41-3806.  Human rights committee on the mentally ill in juvenile corrections; duties

A.  The human rights committee on the mentally ill in juvenile corrections is established in the department of health services to promote the rights of delinquent juveniles in the custody of the department of juvenile corrections who receive behavioral health services.

B.  The department of health services shall adopt rules to prescribe the powers and duties of the committee relating to behavioral health services.

C.  The committee shall consist of at least seven and not more than fifteen members appointed by the director of the department of health services with expertise in at least one of the following areas:

1.  Psychology.

2.  Law.

3.  Medicine.

4.  Education.

5.  Special education.

6.  Social work.

7.  Faith‑based community services.

D.  The committee shall be organized pursuant to this section and the requirements of section 41‑3804.

E.  The committee established by this section ends on July 1, 2023 pursuant to section 41‑3103.END_STATUTE"

Amend title to conform







1:03 PM

C: ns