First Regular Session H.B. 2416
(Reference to proposed amendment dated 3/20/15; 12:59 p.m.)
Page 10, line 11, after "exemption" insert "; definition"
Page 11, strike lines 9 and 10, insert:
"3. Establish a heavy duty rotator recovery vehicle classification for towing services and establish rates and general guidelines for the use of heavy duty rotator recovery vehicles."
Page 12, between lines 10 and 11, insert:
"J. For the purposes of this section, "heavy duty rotator recovery vehicle" means a tow vehicle that has all of the following:
1. A manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating in excess of fifty-two thousand pounds.
2. A boom that is capable of moving its position to the side of the vehicle to perform recoveries and that has a boom rating of at least forty tons.
3. Air brakes that are capable of providing air to the towed vehicle's brakes."
Page 13, strike lines 1 through 13
Renumber to conform
Strike lines 25 through 37
Page 14, strike lines 1 and 2
Renumber to conform
Line 4, strike "8" insert "7"
Amend title to conform