Fifty-second Legislature                                           Appropriations

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2517




(Reference to House engrossed bill)


Page 1, strike lines 2 through 19, insert:

"Section 1.  Section 5-554, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE5-554.  Commission; director; powers and duties; definitions

A.  The commission shall meet with the director not less than once each quarter to make recommendations and set policy, receive reports from the director and transact other business properly brought before the commission.

B.  The commission shall oversee a state lottery to produce the maximum amount of net revenue consonant with the dignity of the state.  To achieve these ends, the commission shall authorize the director to adopt rules in accordance with title 41, chapter 6.  Rules adopted by the director may include provisions relating to the following:

1.  Subject to the approval of the commission, the types of lottery games and the types of game play‑styles to be conducted.

2.  The method of selecting the winning tickets or shares for noncomputerized online games, except that no method may be used that, in whole or in part, depends on the results of a dog race, a horse race or any sporting event.

3.  The manner of payment of prizes to the holders of winning tickets or shares, including providing for payment by the purchase of annuities in the case of prizes payable in installments, except that the commission staff shall examine claims and may not pay any prize based on altered, stolen or counterfeit tickets or based on any tickets that fail to meet established validation requirements, including rules stated on the ticket or in the published game rules, and confidential validation tests applied consistently by the commission staff.  No particular prize in a lottery game may be paid more than once, and in the event of a binding determination that more than one person is entitled to a particular prize, the sole remedy of the claimants is the award to each of them of an equal portion of the single prize.

4.  The method to be used in selling tickets or shares, except that no elected official's name may be printed on such tickets or shares.  The overall estimated odds of winning some prize or some cash prize, as appropriate, in a given game shall be printed on each ticket or share.

5.  The licensing of agents to sell tickets or shares, except that a person who is under eighteen years of age shall not be licensed as an agent.

6.  The manner and amount of compensation to be paid licensed sales agents necessary to provide for the adequate availability of tickets or shares to prospective buyers and for the convenience of the public, including provision for variable compensation based on sales volume.

7.  Matters necessary or desirable for the efficient and economical operation and administration of the lottery and for the convenience of the purchasers of tickets or shares and the holders of winning tickets or shares.

C.  The commission shall authorize the director to issue orders and shall approve orders issued by the director for the necessary operation of the lottery.  Orders issued under this subsection may include provisions relating to the following:

1.  The prices of tickets or shares in lottery games.

2.  The themes, game play‑styles, and names of lottery games and definitions of symbols and other characters used in lottery games, except that each ticket or share in a lottery game shall bear a unique distinguishable serial number.

3.  The sale of tickets or shares at a discount for promotional purposes.

4.  The prize structure of lottery games, including the number and size of prizes available.  Available prizes may include free tickets in lottery games and merchandise prizes.

5.  The frequency of drawings, if any, or other selections of winning tickets or shares, except that:

(a)  All drawings shall be open to the public.

(b)  The actual selection of winning tickets or shares may not be performed by an employee or member of the commission.

(c)  Noncomputerized online game drawings shall be witnessed by an independent observer.

6.  Requirements for eligibility for participation in grand drawings or other runoff drawings, including requirements for the submission of evidence of eligibility within a shorter period than that provided for claims by section 5‑568.

7.  Incentive and bonus programs designed to increase sales of lottery tickets or shares and to produce the maximum amount of net revenue for this state.

8.  The method used for the validation of a ticket, which may be by physical or electronic presentation of a ticket.

D.  Notwithstanding title 41, chapter 6 and subsection B of this section, the director, subject to the approval of the commission, may establish a policy, procedure or practice that relates to an existing online game or a new online game that is the same type and has the same type of game play‑style as an online game currently being conducted by the lottery or may modify an existing rule for an existing online game or a new online game that is the same type and has the same type of game play‑style as an online game currently being conducted by the lottery, including establishing or modifying the matrix for an online game by giving notice of the establishment or modification at least thirty days before the effective date of the establishment or modification.

E.  The commission shall maintain and make the following information available for public inspection at its offices during regular business hours:

1.  A detailed listing of the estimated number of prizes of each particular denomination expected to be awarded in any instant game currently on sale.

2.  After the end of the claim period prescribed by section 5‑568, a listing of the total number of tickets or shares sold and the number of prizes of each particular denomination awarded in each lottery game.

3.  Definitions of all play symbols and other characters used in each lottery game and instructions on how to play and how to win each lottery game.

F.  Any information that is maintained by the commission and that would assist a person in locating or identifying a winning ticket or share or that would otherwise compromise the integrity of any lottery game is deemed confidential and is not subject to public inspection.

G.  The commission, in addition to other games authorized by this article, may establish multistate lottery games to be conducted concurrently with other lottery games authorized under subsection B of this section.  The monies for prizes, for operating expenses and for payment to the state general fund shall be accounted for separately as nearly as practicable in the lottery commission's general accounting system.  The monies shall be derived from the revenues of multistate lottery games.

H.  The commission, in addition to other games authorized by this article, shall establish special instant ticket games with play areas protected by paper tabs designated for use by charitable organizations.  The monies for prizes and for operating expenses shall be accounted for separately as nearly as practicable in the lottery commission's general accounting system.  Monies saved from the revenues of the special games, by reason of operating efficiencies, shall become other revenue of the lottery commission and revert to the state general fund, except that the commission shall transfer the proceeds from any games that are sold from a vending machine in an age restricted area to the state treasurer for deposit in the following amounts:

1.  Nine hundred thousand dollars each fiscal year in the internet crimes against children enforcement fund established by section 41‑199.

2.  One hundred thousand dollars each fiscal year in the victims' rights enforcement fund established by section 41‑1727.

3.  Any monies in excess of the amounts listed in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this subsection, in the state lottery fund established by section 5‑571.

I.  The commission or director shall not establish or operate any online or electronic keno game or any game played on the internet.

J.  The commission or director shall not establish or operate any lottery game or any type of game play‑style, either individually or in combination, that uses gaming devices or video lottery terminals as those terms are used in section 5‑601.02, including monitor games that produce or display outcomes or results more than once per hour.

K.  The director shall print, in a prominent location on each lottery ticket or share, a statement that help is available if a person has a problem with gambling and a toll-free telephone number where problem gambling assistance is available.  The director shall require all licensed agents to post a sign with the statement that help is available if a person has a problem with gambling and the toll-free telephone number at the point of sale as prescribed and supplied by the director.  The requirements of this subsection apply to tickets and shares printed after July 18, 2000.

L.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  "Charitable organization" means any nonprofit organization, including not more than one auxiliary of that organization, that has operated for charitable purposes in this state for at least two years before submitting a license application under this article.

2.  "Game play‑style" means the process or procedure that a player must follow to determine if a lottery ticket or share is a winning ticket or share.

3.  "Matrix" means the odds of winning a prize and the prize payout amounts in a given game. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 5-559, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE5-559.  Contracts; limitation; restrictions

A.  Notwithstanding any other statute, the director may:

1.  Directly solicit bids and contract for the design and operation of the lottery or the purchase of lottery advertising, equipment, tickets and related materials.

2.  Contract to effectuate the purposes of this chapter and the rules adopted pursuant to this chapter.

3.  Acquire administrative office facilities and related facilities and equipment for the use of the commission by lease, purchase or lease‑purchase.

B.  Procurement pursuant to this section shall be performed as prescribed in section 41‑2501, subsection G.  Bids received under this section may be deemed confidential in whole or in part by the director if required on account of the sensitive and responsible nature of the commission's functions and the paramount considerations of security and integrity.

C.  Any award made by the director pursuant to this section becomes effective and binding on the commission unless it is rejected by the commission at a meeting held within fourteen calendar days after the award is communicated to the members of the commission.

D.  A contract awarded or entered into by the director pursuant to this section shall not be assigned by the holder except by specific approval of the director.  In all awards of contracts pursuant to this section, the director shall take particular account of the sensitive and responsible nature of the commission's functions and the paramount considerations of security and integrity. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 5-568, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE5-568.  Disposition of unclaimed prize money

Unclaimed prize money for the prize on a winning ticket or share shall be retained for the person entitled to the prize for one hundred eighty days after the drawing in which the prize was won in the case of a drawing prize and for one hundred eighty days after the announced end of the game in question in the case of a prize determined in any manner other than by means of a drawing.  If a claim is not made for the money within the applicable period, the money shall be transferred in the following amounts:

1.  Seventy per cent percent of the prize money shall be held in the state lottery prize fund for use as additional prizes in future games and, except that if the amount of monies transferred by the commission pursuant to section 5‑554, subsection H, paragraph 1 is less than nine hundred thousand dollars each fiscal year, the difference shall be transferred to the internet crimes against children enforcement fund established by section 41‑199 and if the monies transferred by the commission pursuant to section 5‑554, subsection H, paragraph 2 is less than one hundred thousand dollars each fiscal year, the difference shall be transferred to the victims' rights enforcement fund established by section 41‑1727.

2.  Thirty per cent percent shall be transferred monthly quarterly to the court appointed special advocate fund established by section 8‑524. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4.  Section 5-572, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE5-572.  Use of monies in state lottery fund; report

A.  If there are any bonds or bond related obligations payable from the state lottery revenue bond debt service fund, the state lottery revenue bond debt service fund shall be secured by a first lien on the monies in the state lottery fund after the payment of operating costs of the lottery, as prescribed in section 5‑555, subsection A, paragraph 1, until the state lottery bond debt service fund contains sufficient monies to meet all the requirements for the current period as required by the bond documents.  Debt service for revenue bonds issued pursuant to this chapter shall be paid first from monies that would have otherwise been deposited pursuant to this section in the state general fund.  After the requirements for the current period have been satisfied as required by the bond documents, the monies in the state lottery fund shall be expended for the expenses of the commission incurred in carrying out its powers and duties and in the operation of the lottery.

B.  Of the monies remaining in the state lottery fund each fiscal year after appropriations and deposits authorized in subsection A of this section, ten million dollars shall be deposited in the Arizona game and fish commission heritage fund established by section 17‑297.

C.  Of the monies remaining in the state lottery fund each fiscal year after appropriations and deposits authorized in subsections A and B of this section, five million dollars shall be allocated to the department of child safety for the healthy families program established by section 8‑481, four million dollars shall be allocated to the Arizona board of regents for the Arizona area health education system established by section 15‑1643, three million dollars shall be allocated to the department of health services to fund the teenage pregnancy prevention programs established in Laws 1995, chapter 190, sections 2 and 3, two million dollars shall be allocated to the department of health services for the health start program established by section 36‑697, two million dollars shall be deposited in the disease control research fund established by section 36‑274 and one million dollars shall be allocated to the department of health services for the federal women, infants and children food program.  The allocations in this subsection shall be adjusted annually according to changes in the GDP price deflator as defined in section 41‑563 and the allocations are exempt from the provisions of section 35‑190 relating to lapsing of appropriations.  If there are not sufficient monies available pursuant to this subsection, the allocation of monies for each program shall be reduced on a pro rata basis.

D.  If the state lottery director determines that monies available to the state general fund may not equal eighty‑four million one hundred fifty thousand dollars in a fiscal year, the director shall not authorize deposits to the Arizona game and fish commission heritage fund pursuant to subsection B of this section until the deposits to the state general fund equal eighty‑four million one hundred fifty thousand dollars in a fiscal year.

E.  Of the monies remaining in the state lottery fund each fiscal year after appropriations and deposits authorized in subsections A through D of this section, one million dollars or the remaining balance in the fund, whichever is less, is appropriated to the department of economic security for grants to nonprofit organizations, including faith based organizations, for homeless emergency and transitional shelters and related support services. The department of economic security shall submit a report on the amounts, recipients, purposes and results of each grant to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate on or before December 31 of each year for the prior fiscal year and shall provide a copy of this report to the secretary of state.

F.  Of the monies remaining in the state lottery fund each fiscal year after appropriations and deposits authorized in subsections A through E of this section, and after a total of at least ninety‑nine million six hundred forty thousand dollars has been deposited in the state general fund, three million five hundred thousand dollars shall be deposited in the Arizona competes fund established by section 41‑1545.01.  The balance in the state lottery fund remaining after deposits into the Arizona competes fund shall be deposited in the university capital improvement lease‑to-own and bond fund established by section 15‑1682.03, up to a maximum of eighty per cent percent of the total annual payments of lease-to-own and bond agreements entered into by the Arizona board of regents.

G.  All monies remaining in the state lottery fund after the appropriations and deposits authorized in this section shall be deposited in the state general fund.

H.  Except for monies expended for debt service of revenue bonds as provided in subsection A of this section, monies expended under subsection A of this section are subject to legislative appropriation.

I.  The commission shall transfer monies prescribed in this section on a quarterly basis." END_STATUTE

Renumber to conform

Page 1, line 36, strike "section" insert "sections 5-554 and"

Line 46, after the period strike remainder of line

Strike line 47

Page 2, strike lines 1 and 2

Line 3, after "C." strike remainder of line

Strike line 4

Line 5, strike "identified in the attorney general's previous expenditure plans."

Page 2, between lines 43 and 44, insert:

"Sec. 8.  Section 41-2501, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-2501.  Applicability

A.  This chapter applies only to procurements initiated after January 1, 1985 unless the parties agree to its application to procurements initiated before that date.

B.  This chapter applies to every expenditure of public monies, including federal assistance monies except as otherwise specified in section 41‑2637, by this state, acting through a state governmental unit as defined in this chapter, under any contract, except that this chapter does not apply to either grants as defined in this chapter, or contracts between this state and its political subdivisions or other governments, except as provided in chapter 24 of this title and in article 10 of this chapter.  This chapter also applies to the disposal of state materials.  This chapter and rules adopted under this chapter do not prevent any state governmental unit or political subdivision from complying with the terms of any grant, gift, bequest or cooperative agreement.

C.  All political subdivisions and other local public agencies of this state may adopt all or any part of this chapter and the rules adopted pursuant to this chapter.

D.  Notwithstanding any other law, sections 41‑2517 and 41-2546 apply to any agency as defined in section 41‑1001, including the office of the governor.

E.  The Arizona board of regents and the legislative and judicial branches of state government are not subject to this chapter except as prescribed in subsection F of this section.

F.  The Arizona board of regents and the judicial branch shall adopt rules prescribing procurement policies and procedures for themselves and institutions under their jurisdiction.  The rules must be substantially equivalent to the policies and procedures prescribed in this chapter.

G.  The Arizona state lottery commission is exempt from this chapter for procurement relating to the design and operation of the lottery or purchase of lottery advertising, equipment, tickets and related materials. The executive director of the Arizona state lottery commission shall adopt competitive procurement rules substantially equivalent to the policies and procedures in this chapter for procurement relating to the design and operation of the lottery or purchase of lottery advertising, equipment, tickets or related materials.  All other procurement shall be as prescribed by this chapter.

H.  The Arizona health care cost containment system administration is exempt from this chapter for provider contracts pursuant to section 36‑2904, subsection A and contracts for goods and services, including program contractor contracts pursuant to title 36, chapter 29, articles 2 and 3.  All other procurement, including contracts for the statewide administrator of the program pursuant to section 36‑2903, subsection B, shall be as prescribed by this chapter.

I.  Arizona industries for the blind is exempt from this chapter for purchases of finished goods from members of national industries for the blind and for purchases of raw materials for use in the manufacture of products for sale pursuant to section 41‑1972.  All other procurement shall be as prescribed by this chapter.

J.  Arizona correctional industries is exempt from this chapter for purchases of raw materials, components and supplies that are used in the manufacture or production of goods or services for sale entered into pursuant to section 41‑1622.  All other procurement shall be as prescribed by this chapter.

K.  The state transportation board and the director of the department of transportation are exempt from this chapter other than section 41‑2586 for the procurement of construction or reconstruction, including engineering services, of transportation facilities or highway facilities and any other services that are directly related to land titles, appraisals, real property acquisition, relocation, property management or building facility design and construction for highway development and that are required pursuant to title 28, chapter 20.

L.  The Arizona highways magazine is exempt from this chapter for contracts for the production, promotion, distribution and sale of the magazine and related products and for contracts for sole source creative works entered into pursuant to section 28‑7314, subsection A, paragraph 5.  All other procurement shall be as prescribed by this chapter.

M.  The secretary of state is exempt from this chapter for contracts entered into pursuant to section 41‑1012 to publish and sell the administrative code.  All other procurement shall be as prescribed by this chapter.

N.  This chapter is not applicable to contracts for professional witnesses if the purpose of such contracts is to provide for professional services or testimony relating to an existing or probable judicial proceeding in which this state is or may become a party or to contract for special investigative services for law enforcement purposes.

O.  The head of any state governmental unit, in relation to any contract exempted by this section from this chapter, has the same authority to adopt rules, procedures or policies as is delegated to the director pursuant to this chapter.

P.  Agreements negotiated by legal counsel representing this state in settlement of litigation or threatened litigation are exempt from this chapter.

Q.  This chapter is not applicable to contracts entered into by the department of economic security:

1.  With a provider licensed or certified by an agency of this state to provide child day care services.

2.  With area agencies on aging created pursuant to the older Americans act of 1965 (P.L. 89‑73; 79 Stat. 218; 42 United States Code sections 3001 through 3058ff).

3.  For services pursuant to title 36, chapter 29, article 2.

4.  With an eligible entity as defined by Public Law 105‑285, section 673(1)(a)(i) 673(1)(A)(i), as amended, for designated community services block grant program monies and any other monies given to the eligible entity that accomplishes the purpose of Public Law 105‑285, section 672.

R.  The department of health services may not require that persons with whom it contracts follow this chapter for the purposes of subcontracts entered into for the provision of the following:

1.  Mental health services pursuant to section 36‑189, subsection B.

2.  Services for the seriously mentally ill pursuant to title 36, chapter 5, article 10.

3.  Drug and alcohol services pursuant to section 36‑141.

4.  Domestic violence services pursuant to title 36, chapter 30, article 1.

S.  The department of health services is exempt from this chapter for contracts for services of physicians at the Arizona state hospital.

T.  Contracts for goods and services approved by the board of trustees of the public safety personnel retirement system are exempt from this chapter.

U.  The Arizona department of agriculture is exempt from this chapter with respect to contracts for private labor and equipment to effect cotton or cotton stubble plow‑up pursuant to rules adopted under title 3, chapter 2, article 1.

V.  The Arizona state parks board is exempt from this chapter for purchases of guest supplies and items for resale such as food, linens, gift items, sundries, furniture, china, glassware and utensils for the facilities located in the Tonto natural bridge state park.

W.  The Arizona state parks board is exempt from this chapter for the purchase, production, promotion, distribution and sale of publications, souvenirs and sundry items obtained and produced for resale.

X.  The Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind are exempt from this chapter for the purchase of textbooks and when purchasing products through a cooperative that is organized and operates in accordance with state law if such products are not available on a statewide contract and are related to the operation of the schools or are products for which special discounts are offered for educational institutions.

Y.  Expenditures of monies in the morale, welfare and recreational fund established by section 26‑153 are exempt from this chapter.

Z.  Notwithstanding section 41‑2534, the director of the state department of corrections may contract with local medical providers in counties with a population of less than four hundred thousand persons for the following purposes:

1.  To acquire hospital and professional medical services for inmates who are incarcerated in state department of corrections facilities that are located in those counties.

2.  To ensure the availability of emergency medical services to inmates in all counties by contracting with the closest medical facility that offers emergency treatment and stabilization.

AA.  The department of environmental quality is exempt from this chapter for contracting for procurements relating to the water quality assurance revolving fund program established pursuant to title 49, chapter 2, article 5.  The department shall engage in a source selection process that is similar to the procedures prescribed by this chapter.  The department may contract for remedial actions with a single selection process.  The exclusive remedy for disputes or claims relating to contracting pursuant to this subsection is as prescribed by article 9 of this chapter and the rules adopted pursuant to that article.  All other procurement by the department shall be as prescribed by this chapter.

BB.  The motor vehicle division of the department of transportation is exempt from this chapter for third‑party authorizations pursuant to title 28, chapter 13, only if all of the following conditions exist:

1.  The division does not pay any public monies to an authorized third party.

2.  Exclusivity is not granted to an authorized third party.

3.  The director has complied with the requirements prescribed in title 28, chapter 13 in selecting an authorized third party.

CC.  This section does not exempt third‑party authorizations pursuant to title 28, chapter 13 from any other applicable law.

DD.  The state forester is exempt from this chapter for purchases and contracts relating to wildland fire suppression and pre‑positioning equipment resources and for other activities related to combating wildland fires and other unplanned risk activities, including fire, flood, earthquake, wind and hazardous material responses.  All other procurement by the state forester shall be as prescribed by this chapter.

EE.  The cotton research and protection council is exempt from this chapter for procurements.

FF.  Expenditures of monies in the Arizona agricultural protection fund established by section 3‑3304 are exempt from this chapter.

GG.  The Arizona commerce authority is exempt from this chapter, except article 10 for the purpose of cooperative purchases.  The authority shall adopt policies, procedures and practices, in consultation with the department of administration, that are similar to and based on the policies and procedures prescribed by this chapter for the purpose of increased public confidence, fair and equitable treatment of all persons engaged in the process and fostering broad competition while accomplishing flexibility to achieve the authority's statutory requirements.  The authority shall make its policies, procedures and practices available to the public.  The authority may exempt specific expenditures from the policies, procedures and practices.

HH.  The Arizona exposition and state fair board is exempt from this chapter for contracts for professional entertainment.

II.  This chapter does not apply to the purchase of water, gas or electric utilities.

JJ.  This chapter does not apply to professional certifications, professional memberships and conference registrations.

KK.  The department of gaming is exempt from this chapter for problem gambling treatment services contracts with licensed behavioral health professionals.

LL.  This chapter does not apply to contracts for credit reporting services.

MM.  This chapter does not apply to contracts entered into by the department of child safety:

1.  With a provider of family foster care pursuant to section 8‑503 or 36‑554.

2.  With an eligible entity as defined by Public Law 105‑285, section 673(1)(A)(i), as amended, for designated community services block grant program monies and any other monies given to the eligible entity that accomplishes the purpose of Public Law 105‑285, section 672." END_STATUTE

Renumber to conform

Amend title to conform







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