Bill Number: S.B. 1001

                                                                                                              Biggs Floor Amendment

                                                                                                              Reference to: printed bill

                                                                          Amendment drafted by: Legislative Council






The Biggs Floor Amendment:


Fifty-second Legislature                                                    Biggs

First Special Session                                                   S.B. 1001




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 13, lines 19 and 20, after "funding" insert "or budget capacity"

Line 23, strike "year" insert "years"

Line 24, after "2015‑2016" insert "and 2016‑2017"

Line 25, after "funding" insert "or budget capacity"

Line 26, strike "year" insert "years"; after "2015‑2016" insert "and 2016‑2017"

Line 27, strike "year" insert "years"; after "2015-2016" insert "and 2016-2017"

Between lines 27 and 28, insert:

"Sec. 5.  School district budget deadlines for fiscal year 2015‑2016

Notwithstanding section 15‑905, Arizona Revised Statutes, for fiscal year 2015‑2016, any deadline that is currently specified by law as May 15 for the adoption or adjustment of school district budgets shall be extended to June 30." 

Renumber to conform

Page 14, line 10, after "Statutes" insert a period strike remainder of line

Strike lines 11 through 14

Between lines 16 and 17, insert:

"Sec. 9.  Legislative findings

The legislature finds that:

1.  It is in the best interests of the State of Arizona to finally resolve the litigation in Cave Creek Unified School District, et al. v. Jeff DeWit, et al., Maricopa County Superior Court Case No. CV2010‑017113, and all appellate proceedings related thereto.

2.  None of the parties to the litigation have acted in bad faith, nor concede nor admit legal error, wrongdoing or illegal action in connection with the litigation.

3.  Including the final judgment in the litigation, this act and the terms of Senate Concurrent Resolution 1001, fifty‑second legislature, first special session, fully and finally resolve, satisfy and conclude all claims, causes of action, findings, rulings and judgments in the litigation."

Renumber to conform

Amend title to conform







5:08 PM

C: tdb