Bill Number: S.B. 1416
Dial Floor Amendment
Reference to: printed bill
Amendment drafted by: Catcher Baden
States the investigation of certificated persons is conducted pursuant to the State Board of Education’s rules. States the Department of Education, instead of the State Board of Education, is responsible for notification and denial of incomplete certification applications.
Second Regular Session S.B. 1416
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 5, line 8, after the period insert “consistent with section 15-350,”
Page 30, between lines 15 and 16, insert:
“Sec. 15. Section 15-350, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
15-350. Investigation of immoral or unprofessional conduct; confidentiality
A. pursuant to section 15-203, subsection a, paragraph 22, on request of the state board of education, any school or school district that has employed a certificated person during the time in which the person is alleged to have engaged in conduct constituting grounds for disciplinary action shall make available the attendance and testimony of witnesses, documents and any physical evidence within the school district's control for examination or copying. All information received and records or reports kept by the state board of education during an investigation of immoral or unprofessional conduct are confidential and are not a public record.
B. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, the state board of education may provide information, records or reports relating to the investigation of a certificate holder to any school or school district that currently employs the certificate holder. All information, records or reports received by any school or school district pursuant to this subsection shall be used for employment purposes only, are confidential and are not a public record.
C. An investigator who is regularly employed and paid by the state board of education has the authority to access criminal history records and criminal history record information, as defined in section 41‑1750, from law enforcement agencies.”
Renumber to conform
Page 39, line 31, strike “the department of education” insert “the department of education”
Line 32, strike “the state board of education”
Line 33, strike “state”
Line 34, strike “board of education”; strike “department of education” insert “department of education”
Line 41, strike “state board of education”; strike “department of education” insert “department of education”
Line 44, strike “state board of education”; strike “department of education” insert “department of education”
Amend title to conform