Bill Number: S.B. 1422

            Yee Floor Amendment

            Reference to: printed bill

            Amendment drafted by: Laura Benitez





·         Removes the definition for the “home inspector-in-training”.

·         Restores requirements for professional registration as an assayer.

·         Restores the stipulation that each year of study in assaying, up to 4 years, and each year of teaching assaying or other pertinent courses are equivalent to years of active engagement.

·         Adds that the term ‘record documents’ includes “as-built plans”, as well as “as-constructed plans”.

·         Makes conforming changes.


Fifty-second Legislature                                                      Yee

Second Regular Session                                                  S.B. 1422




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 4, line 8, strike “26” insert “25”

Page 5, strike lines 41 through 45

Renumber to conform

Page 9, line 1, strike “home”

Line 2, strike “inspector-in-training”

Page 10, line 12, strike “B. An applicant for professional registration as an assayer” insert “B. An applicant for professional registration as an assayer”

Line 13, strike “shall:” insert “shall:”

Strike lines 14 through 18, insert:

“1. Be of good moral character and repute.

2. Be actively engaged in education or experience, or both, in the profession for which registration is sought for at least six years.

3. Unless exempt under section 32-126, pass the in-training and professional examinations in the profession in which registration is sought.”

Reletter to conform

Line 20, strike “: ” insert “:”

Line 21, strike “1.” insert “1.”

Line 28, strike “2. Each year of study satisfactorily completed in an assaying” insert “2. Each year of study satisfactorily completed in an assaying”

Line 29, strike “curriculum and school approved by the board is considered

Strike line 30

Line 31, strike “One year or more of teaching assaying or” insert “curriculum and school approved by the board is considered equivalent to one year of active engagement up to a maximum of four years. One year or more of teaching assaying or”; strike “or other courses

Page 10, strike lines 32 through 34, insert “or other courses approved by the board as pertinent to the profession in which registration is sought in a school approved by the board is equivalent to one year of active engagement.”

Line 35, strike “E D” insert “E”

Line 45, strike “D C” insert “D”

Page 11, line 15, strike “and a home inspector-in-training”

Line 16, strike “program”

Page 15, line 19, strike “plans” insert “OR AS-BUILT plans

Amend title to conform







11:18 AM

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