Bill Number: S.B. 1441

            Barto Floor Amendment

            Reference to: FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS

Committee Amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





The Barto Floor Amendment does the following:

1.    Allows the Director of the Arizona Department of Insurance (Department) to extend the 45-day period for Long-Term Care Insurance premium rate approval by an additional 45 days in order to allow the Department to conduct an independent actuarial review of the requested rate.


2.    Specifies that if the independent actuary whose services are used by the Director determines that the actuarial and historical data representing policyholder experience in this state is not credible based on presently accepted actuarial standards of practice, then the Director shall consider documentation based on experience from a comparable state as determined by the independent actuary.


3.    Requires the Department to provide on its website a list of Department-specific contract employment opportunities for independent actuaries and a link to the State Procurement Office to apply for those positions.


4.    Defines independent actuary as a person who is a member in good standing of the American Society of Actuaries, who is contracted by the Department for the purpose of reviewing a rate increase filing submitted by an insurer and who is not either employed by the Department or affiliated with an insurer.


5.    Makes various technical, conforming and clarifying changes.


Fifty-second Legislature                                                    Barto

Second Regular Session                                                  S.B. 1441




(Reference to FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Committee amendment)


Page 1, line 4, after "disapproval" insert "; definition"

Line 12, after "" insert "After notifying the insurer in writing within the forty‑five-day period, the director may extend the forty‑five-day review period by an additional forty‑five days to allow the department to conduct an independent actuarial review of the requested rate."

Line 25, strike "only"

Line 29, after the period insert "If the independent actuary whose services are used by the director pursuant to subsection D of this section determines that the actuarial and historical data representing policyholder experience in this state is not credible based on presently accepted actuarial standards of practice, the director shall consider documentation based on experience from a comparable state as determined by the independent actuary."

Page 2, line 1, strike "that is provided by the insurer and"

Line 2, after "increase" insert ", including a description of how the information contained"

Line 3, strike "last"; after "statements" insert "demonstrates a need for the requested rate increase"

Line 7, after "of" strike remainder of line

Line 8, strike "the policyholders" insert "policyholder claims in this state"

Line 10, strike "either:"

Line 11, strike "1."

Line 13, after "pay" insert "the independent actuary's"

Line 15, after the period insert "The department shall provide on the department's website a list of the department‑specific contract employment opportunities for independent actuaries and a link to the state procurement office to apply for those positions."

Strike lines 16 through 20

Page 2, line 23, strike "rate"; after "increase" insert "of the"; after "requested" strike remainder of line

Strike lines 24 and 25

Line 26, strike "insurer" insert "amount"

Line 27, after "increases" strike remainder of line

Strike lines 28 and 29, insert "that are actuarially equivalent to the single amount requested by the insurer.  The entire series and the schedule determined by the director would be approved at one time as part of the current rate increase filing."

Line 33, strike "may" insert "shall"; strike "at the time of"

Line 34, strike "renewal" insert "on the policy's anniversary date"

Page 3, between lines 14 and 15, insert:

"K.  For the purposes of this section, "independent actuary" means a person who is a member in good standing of the American academy of actuaries, who is contracted by the department for the purpose of reviewing a rate increase filing submitted by an insurer and who is not either employed by the department or affiliated with an insurer."

Line 19, after "policyholders" insert "in writing"; strike "thirty" insert "ninety"

Line 20, strike "policy renewal" insert "policy's annual anniversary"

Line 24, strike "An illustration" insert "A disclosure"

Line 28, strike "all"

Line 29, strike "including" insert "which shall include at least"

Line 35, strike "may" insert "shall also"

Line 36, strike the first "or" insert ", the option to"; strike "or may offer" insert "and"

Page 4, line 2, strike "on renewal"

Line 4, after "lapses" insert "and the benefit is triggered"

Line 5, strike "all"

Line 9, strike "sixty" insert "ninety"; strike "policy renewal" insert "policy's annual anniversary"

Line 10, after "policyholder" strike remainder of line

Page 4, line 11, strike "policy.  The renewal notice shall include" insert "that includes"

Line 12, after "expected" insert "aggregate"

Amend title to conform







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C: mjh