Bill Number: S.B. 1500

            Yee Floor Amendment

            Reference to: COMMERCE AND WORKFORCE

DEVELOPMENT Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council









o   certifying inspectors;

o   establishing a schedule for required inspections; and

o   retaining statewide enforcement authority.



Fifty-second Legislature                                                      Yee

Second Regular Session                                                  S.B. 1500




(Reference to COMMERCE AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Committee amendment)


Page 3, strike lines 1 through 3, insert:

"Page 5, strike lines 42 through 44, insert:

"2.  Conduct an audio recording of an oral statement provided during an interview without the knowledge and consent of the person being interviewed. The Employee of the division or the commission shall inform the person being interviewed of the person's right to receive a copy of the recorded oral statement within a reasonable time.

3.  Obtain a written statement during an interview without informing the person of the person's RIGHT TO receive a copy of the written statement within a reasonable time."

Page 6, strike lines 30 through 44

Strike pages 7 through 13

Page 14, strike lines 1 through 23, insert:

"Sec. 10.  Section 23-474, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE23-474.  Duties of commission

The commission shall:

1.  Administer the provisions of this article through the division of occupational safety and health.

2.  Establish a boiler advisory board to assist the commission in drafting standards and regulations.

3.  2.  Promulgate Adopt standards and regulations pursuant to section 23‑475 and promulgate such adopt other rules and regulations as are necessary.

4.  3.  Exercise such other powers as are necessary to carry out the duties and requirements of this article. END_STATUTE

Sec. 11.  Section 23-475, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE23-475.  Duties of division

The division shall:

1.  Except Certify special inspectors as provided in section 23‑485.

2.  Inspect boilers and lined hot water storage heaters under this article, except that beginning on July 1, 2017 the division may not inspect boilers and lined hot water storage heaters.

3.  Establish a schedule to require regular boiler and lined hot water storage heater inspections.

2.  4.  Recommend standards, regulations and amendments to such the standards and regulations to the commission for approval or disapproval.

3.  5.  Enforce, under section 23‑478, all standards and regulations adopted by the commission. END_STATUTE

Sec. 12.  Title 23, chapter 2, article 11, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 23-486, to read:

START_STATUTE23-486.  Boiler advisory board; members; terms; meetings

A.  The boiler advisory board is established to assist the commission in drafting standards and regulations for boilers and lined hot water storage heaters. The Boiler advisory board consists of the following members who are appointed by the commission:

1.  One member who represents the boiler or lined hot water storage heater manufacturer industry.

2.  One member who represents a public utility.

3.  One member who represents the insurance industry.

4.  One member who is an owner or operator of a boiler or lined hot water storage heater.

5.  One member who is a licensed contractor.

B.  The initial members of the boiler advisory board shall assign themselves by lot to terms of one or two years in office. All subsequent members serve three‑year terms of office. The chairperson shall notify the commission of these appointments.

C.  the boiler advisory board shall annually elect a chairperson from its members.

D.  The boiler advisory board shall meet at least annually and on the call of the commission. the commission shall determine the time and place of boiler advisory board meetings.END_STATUTE"

Renumber to conform"

Page 3, between lines 14 and 15, insert:

"Page 15, line 29, strike "41‑3018.22,"; after "41-3024.17" insert ", 41‑3024.18"

Strike lines 31 through 33

After line 42, insert:

"START_STATUTE41-3024.18.  Boiler advisory board; termination July 1, 2024

A.  The Boiler advisory board terminates on July 1, 2024.

B.  Section 23-486 is repealed on January 1, 2025.END_STATUTE"

Page 16, strike lines 26 through 43

Renumber to conform

Page 17, line 2, strike "28 and 29" insert "14 and 15"

Line 5, strike "6" insert "7"

Line 12, strike "5" insert "6"

Line 18, after "A" insert "of this section""

Amend title to conform







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