Fifty-second Legislature                                                        

Second Regular Session                                                          




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 2, line 18, after the period insert "Any decision deemed in favor of the employing unit pursuant to this subsection does not affect the rights of a claimant to apply for or receive unemployment benefits as provided in this chapter. If a claimant applies for unemployment benefits, the employing unit retains all rights provided under this chapter to respond to or contest the claimant's application for unemployment benefits. Except to the extent that a decision deemed in favor of an employing unit relates to a particular claimant, an award of unemployment benefits to the claimant does not affect the decision deemed in favor of an employing unit pursuant to this subsection and does not authorize the department or the appeals board to reopen or amend the decision regarding the claimant's eligibility for benefits."

Page 3, line 19, after the period insert "Any decision deemed in favor of the employing unit pursuant to this subsection does not affect the rights of a claimant to apply for or receive unemployment benefits as provided in this chapter.  If a claimant applies for unemployment benefits, the employing unit retains all rights provided under this chapter to respond to or contest the claimant's application for unemployment benefits.  Except to the extent that a decision deemed in favor of an employing unit relates to a particular claimant, an award of unemployment benefits to the claimant does not affect the decision deemed in favor of an employing unit pursuant to this subsection and does not authorize the department or the appeals board to reopen or amend the decision regarding the claimant's eligibility for benefits."

Amend title to conform

and, as so amended, it do pass

Warren H. Petersen




11:45 AM

H: LD/rca