Fifty-second Legislature                                         Water and Energy

Second Regular Session                                                  S.B. 1268




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 3, line 21, after "and" insert "if"

Line 23, after "" insert "municipality is required by subsection Q of this section to comply with this subsection or if the"; after "an" insert "adequate water supply"

Line 33, strike "has"

Line 35, strike "or that has" insert "is required by subsection Q of this section to comply with subsection J of this section or that has"; after "an" insert "adequate water supply"

Page 4, line 45, strike "The legislative"

Line 46, strike "body of"; after "municipality" insert "that is not required by subsection Q of this section to comply with subsection J of this section"

Page 5, between lines 36 and 37, insert:

"Q.  A municipality that was notified by the director of water resources before the effective date of this amendment to this section that the county in which the MUNICIPALITY is located adopted an ADEQUATE water supply provision authorized by SECTION 11-823, subsection A shall comply with subjection J of this section unless the legislative body of the municipality adopts an ORDINANCE after the effective date of this amendment to this section that provides that the municipality shall not be subject to subsection J of this section.  A municipality that adopts an ordinance pursuant to this subsection may at any time thereafter ADOPT an adequate water supply ordinance pursuant to subsection O of this section."

Reletter to conform

Line 39, strike "and" insert "is not required by subsection Q of this section to comply with subsection J of this section and"

Page 5, line 40, after "an" insert "adequate water supply"

Page 29, line 9, strike "Q" insert "R"

Strike lines 14 through 23

Amend title to conform






09:52 AM