Fifty-second Legislature                                Health and Human Services

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2307



(Reference to House engrossed bill)


Page 3, line 30, strike "and" insert a comma; after "36‑851.02" insert "and 36‑851.03"

Line 41, after "department" insert "of health services and maintains full accreditation with the accrediting agency"

Line 42, strike "36-851.02" insert "36-851.03"

Page 4, line 4, after "or" insert "license"

Line 6, after "and" insert "license"

Between lines 25 and 26, insert:

"4.  A procurement organization that is affiliated with an accredited educational institution in connection with the education of students enrolled in a degree-granting program for health professionals.

5.  A procurement organization that is affiliated with an accredited hospital as defined in section 36‑401 for the recovery of anatomical gifts for research, education, quality improvement or quality assurance.

START_STATUTE36-851.02.  Procurement organizations; deemed status; requirements; inspection

A procurement organization that is licensed pursuant to section 36‑851.01 by virtue of its accreditation status:

1.  Is deemed to meet health and safety requirements that are equivalent to those set forth in section 36‑851.03 and is not required to meet the requirements prescribed in section 36-851.03 except as specified in paragraph 2 of this section if the procurement organization maintains its accredited status with the accrediting agency.

2.  Shall comply with all of the following as adopted in rule by the department of health services:

(a)  The proper use and maintenance of donor consent forms.

(b)  the implementation and maintenance of Proper identification systems for bodies and disarticulated items.

(c)  The implementation and maintenance of continuing employee education program protocols and materials for procedures used by the procurement organization to properly screen end users.

(d)  The proper documentation and disclosure of the disease status of tissue specimens to end users.

(e)  Labeling, packaging, transport and distribution policies and procedures.

(f)  Final disposition procedures.

3.  Is subject to inspection by the department of health services at any time with respect to compliance with the requirements of paragraph 2 of this section."END_STATUTE

Page 4, line 26, strike "36-851.02" insert "36-851.03"; after "records" insert "; rules; inspection"

Line 27, before "Each" insert "A. Except as provided in section 36‑851.02,"

Page 5, between lines 23 and 24, insert:

"B.  The department of health services shall adopt rules that follow, as nearly as practicable, the requirements on equivalent subjects specified in subsection A of this section that are set forth in the accreditation requirements of a nationally recognized  accrediting agency that is approved by the department.

C.  A procurement organization that is subject to the requirements of this section is subject to inspection by the department of health services at any time to evaluate the compliance by the procurement organization with the requirements of this article and the rules adopted by the department."

Amend title to conform






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