Fifty-second Legislature                                           Appropriations

Second Regular Session                                                H.C.R. 2039




(Reference to House engrossed resolution)


Page 1, strike lines 1 through 34

Strike lines 37 through 44

Strike page 2, insert:

"1.  Article XV, section 2, Constitution of Arizona, is proposed to be amended as follows if approved by the voters and on proclamation of the Governor:

2.  "Public service corporations" defined

Section 2.  All corporations, other than municipal, engaged in furnishing gas, oil or electricity for light, fuel or power or in furnishing water for irrigation, fire protection or other public purposes or in furnishing, for profit, hot or cold air or steam for heating or cooling purposes or engaged in collecting, transporting, treating, purifying and disposing of sewage through a system, for profit or in transmitting messages or furnishing public telegraph or telephone service and all corporations, other than municipal, operating as common carriers shall be deemed public service corporations.  For the purposes of this section, A CORPORATION, OTHER THAN MUNICIPAL, is furnishing electricity if the corporation is PRIMARILY ENGAGed IN LEASING OR OTHERWISE FINANCING, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, THE PROVISION OF A DEVICE OR SYSTEM THAT IS USED FOR THE GENERATION OR STORAGE OF ELECTRICITY that is REGULARLY USED FOR CONSUMPTION BY AN END USER OF tHe ELECTrICITY.

2.  Short title

This measure may be cited as the "Solar Consumer Protection Act".

3.  The Secretary of State shall submit this proposition to the voters at the next general election as provided by article XXI, Constitution of Arizona."

Amend title to conform






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