REFERENCE TITLE: adoption; married couple; preference




State of Arizona


Fifty-second Legislature

Second Regular Session




SB 1171


Introduced by

Senators Farley, Dalessandro, Hobbs, McGuire: Bradley, Contreras, Pancrazi





amending section 8‑103, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to adoption.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 8-103, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE8-103.  Who may adopt

A.  Any adult resident of this state, whether married, unmarried or legally separated, is eligible to qualify to adopt children.  A husband and wife married couple may jointly adopt children.

B.  Pursuant to rules adopted by the division, the division or adoption agency shall place a child in an adoptive home that best meets the safety, social, emotional, physical and mental health needs of the child.  Other relevant factors for consideration, in no order of preference, shall include:

1.  The marital status and the length and stability of the marital relationship of the prospective adoptive parents.

2.  Placement with the child's siblings pursuant to section 8‑862.

3.  Established relationships between the child and the prospective adoptive family as described in section 8‑862, including placement with a grandparent or another member of the child's extended family including a person or foster parent who has a significant relationship with the child.

4.  The prospective adoptive family's ability to meet the child's safety, social, emotional, physical and mental health needs and the ability to financially provide for the child.

5.  The wishes of the child who is twelve years of age or older.

6.  The wishes of the child's birth parents unless the rights of the parent have been terminated or the court has established a case plan of severance and adoption.

7.  The availability of relatives, the child's current or former foster parents or other significant persons to provide support to the prospective adoptive family and child.

C.  If all relevant factors are equal and the choice is between a married man and woman certified to adopt and a single adult certified to adopt, placement preference shall be with a married man and woman.

D.  c.  In each adoption proceeding, the court shall make findings on the record regarding the best interests of the child pursuant to law. END_STATUTE