REFERENCE TITLE: public library operation; third‑party contracts




State of Arizona


Fifty-second Legislature

Second Regular Session




SB 1198


Introduced by

Senators Griffin, Dalessandro, McGuire: Representatives Borrelli, Carter, Cobb, Pratt





Amending sections 11‑904 and 15‑362, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to public libraries.




Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 11-904, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE11-904.  Contracts for third party to assume function of county free library; termination

A.  Instead of establishing a separate county free library, the board of supervisors may enter into a contract under the provisions of this section with any of the following:

1.  The board of library trustees or other authority in charge of the free public library of an incorporated a city or town, and the board of library trustees or other authority in charge may make such a contract.  

2.  The governing board of a school district.

3.  The governing board of a community college district.

4.  A nonprofit corporation.

B.  The contract may provide that the free public library of the incorporated city or town, school district, community college district or nonprofit corporation shall assume the functions of a county free library within the county, including incorporated the cities and towns therein.  The board of supervisors may pay annually into the library fund of the incorporated city or town such sum as is agreed upon the amount agreed on in the contract to the city or town, school district, community college district or nonprofit corporation.  Either party may terminate the contract by giving six months months' notice of intention to do so. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 15-362, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-362.  Libraries; powers and duties; authority to contract with a county, county free library or other public library

A.  The governing board of a school district may establish and maintain libraries.  Such libraries shall be under control of the board.  The board shall be accountable for the care of the libraries, but it may appoint district librarians, or it may put the libraries under direct charge of a teacher or other qualified person.  When requested, the board shall report on the libraries to the county school superintendent on forms supplied by the superintendent of public instruction.

B.  The governing board shall:

1.  Enforce the rules prescribed for government of school libraries.

2.  Exclude from school libraries all books, publications and papers of a sectarian, partisan or denominational character.  This paragraph shall not be construed to does not prohibit any materials for the elective course permitted by section 15‑717.01.

C.  A district library shall be free to all pupils of suitable age who attend the school.  Residents of the district may become entitled to library privileges by payment of fees and compliance with regulations prescribed by the board.  The governing board may enter into a contract or agreement with the proper authorities of a county free library or other public library possessing facilities for rendering the desired service for the procurement of reference or other library books or the extension services of such library.  The amount so expended shall not exceed two percent of the total school district budget for the school year during which the services are utilized.

D.  A school district governing board may enter into intergovernmental agreements with counties, county free library districts and municipal libraries in the county where the school district is located. END_STATUTE