(Reference to printed bill)
Page 2, strike lines 16 through 42
Strike pages 3 and 4
Page 5, strike lines 1 through 29, insert:
"Sec. 2. Section 36-2985, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
36-2985. Notice of program termination; spending limitation
A. If the director determines that monies may be insufficient for the program, the director shall immediately notify the governor, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives. After consulting with the governor, the administration shall stop processing new applications for the program until the administration is able to verify that funding is sufficient to begin processing applications and the governor agrees that the administration may begin processing applications.
B. If the federal government eliminates federal funding for the program or significantly reduces the federal funding below the estimated federal expenditures as specified in 42 United States Code section 1397ee, the administration shall immediately stop processing all applications and shall provide at least thirty days' advance notice to contractors and members that the program will terminate.
C. The total amount of state monies that may be spent in any fiscal year by the administration for health care provided under this article shall not exceed the amount appropriated or authorized by section 35‑173.
D. This article does not impose a duty on an officer, agent or employee of this state to discharge a responsibility or to create any right in a person or group if the discharge or right would require an expenditure of state monies in excess of the expenditure authorized by legislative appropriation for that specific purpose."
Renumber to conform
Page 6, line 2, strike "36‑2986" insert "36‑2985"
Lines 3 and 4, strike "and the repeal of section 36‑2985, Arizona Revised Statutes, by this act" insert a comma
Amend title to conform