Second Regular Session H.B. 2201
(Reference to House engrossed bill)
Page 1, line 7, after the second comma strike the remainder of line insert “the legislature may enact legislation, with the approval of the governor, that prohibits this state and any county, city or town of this state from using any personnel or financial resources to enforce, administer or cooperate with any action of the united states government that constitutes commandeering.”
Strike lines 8 through 10
Line 11, after the period strike the remainder of line
Strike lines 12 through 15, insert “the legislature shall consider written complaints received from residents of this state, groups, organizations, businesses or government agencies of this state concerning any suspected commandeering action by the united states government.”
Line 28, strike “that”
Line 30, after the second “of” insert “the”
Amend title to conform