Fifty-second Legislature                                         Water and Energy

Second Regular Session                                                S.C.M. 1003




(Reference to printed memorial)


Page 1, line 1, strike “Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture” insert “Congress of the United States of America”

Strike everything after the representing clause and insert:

“Whereas, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation called the Clean Power Plan commandeers the legislative, administrative, and police functions of state governments to    force power companies and individual citizens to comply with federal regulations. For this   reason, the Clean Power Plan regulation exceeds the authority of the EPA granted by the U.S. Constitution and by statute; and

Whereas, this rule will cost American industry an estimated $292 billion in compliance costs in an effort to prevent just 0.019 degrees centigrade increase in global temperature by 2100, a vanishingly insignificant amount; and

Whereas, this rule will cause the price American consumers pay for their electricity to rise by $214 billion by 2030 which will exacerbate the effects of fuel poverty on those living on low or fixed incomes; and

Whereas, this kind of regulatory overreach would be inappropriate in all cases but is    particularly egregious in this case, because the EPA did not conduct a reasoned cost-benefit      analysis before it finalized the regulation. Enforcement of the Clean Power Plan would entail       heavy costs to states and their citizens without any significant corresponding benefit from the      destruction of existing energy sources.

Wherefore your memorialist, the Senate of the State of Arizona, the House of Representatives concurring, prays:

1. That the United States Congress assert control over the use by administrative agencies of Congress’s Constitutional authority to enact legislation.

2.  That the United States Congress answer the following question:

 “Will Congress allow EPA to enforce the Clean Power Plan regulation against the States? Yes or No?”

3. That the Secretary of State of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial to the President of the United States, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the President of the United States Senate and each Member of Congress from the State of Arizona.”

Amend title to conform







03:46 PM

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