House of Representatives

HB 2356

gifted pupils; group B weight

Prime Sponsor: Representative Carter, LD 15



Committee on Education


Committee on Appropriations


Caucus and COW


House Engrossed


HB 2356 establishes a Group B weight for gifted students. 


1.      Removes gifted students from Group A weights and establishes a separate Group B weight for gifted students labelled G.

a.        Sets the weight at 0.115.

2.      Requires a withholding of the full Group B weight for gifted students, rather than 7% of the Group A weight, if a district fails to submit the scope and sequence for gifted students or if it is not fully approved.

3.      Contains duplicative definitions sections and a conditional enactment relating to a ballot proposition. 

4.      Makes technical and conforming changes. 

Current Law

A.R.S. Title 15, Chapter 9 outlines procedures for school district budgeting.  School districts annually determine their budget through a statutory funding formula which multiplies the district’s weighted student count by the Base Level, a dollar amount annually determined by the Legislature.  Statute establishes different weights for preschool programs for children with disabilities, K-8 schools and 9-12 schools.  These weights are labeled Group A weights and are for items such as educational programs for career exploration, specific learning or emotional disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities, developmental delays and gifted students.  Statute additionally establishes Group B weights for moderate to severe disabilities and prescribes different weights for specified disabilities, English Language Learner Programs and K-3 Reading Programs.  The district multiplies its Average Daily Membership by the applicable student count for each Group A and Group B weight to determine its weighted student count.

Each school district is required to develop a scope and sequence for the identification process and curriculum modification for gifted students to ensure the provision of education commensurate with their academic abilities (A.R.S. § 15-779.02).  If a governing board fails to submit the scope and sequence to the Arizona Department of Education or it is not approved than the district is determined to be ineligible for 7% of the Group A weight.




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Fifty-second Legislature

Second Regular Session          2          Education


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