REFERENCE TITLE: antiquities act; monuments; urging Congress |
State of Arizona Senate Fifty-third Legislature First Regular Session 2017
SCM 1011 |
Introduced by Senator Griffin
urging the United States Congress to repeal or amend the 1906 Antiquities Act to require congressional, state, county and local approval in order to designate a national monument.
To the Congress of the United States of America:
Your memorialist respectfully represents:
Whereas, Arizona's great strength lies in the value of its public lands and the public's ability to access and use those lands for a variety of recreational uses; and
Whereas, nearly 50% of all land in Arizona is already under federal management, and the majority of Arizona's lands are restricted from public access and recreation; and
Whereas, the 1906 Antiquities Act directs the President of the United States to limit the designation of national monuments to the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the objects to be protected; and
Whereas, the Antiquities Act is inconsistent with the principles of a government by and for the people; and
Whereas, Arizona currently has 18 monument designations, the most of any state, and there are more than 285 million acres of land and marine areas in monument status; and
Whereas, the Arizona Game and Fish Department is statutorily charged with managing, conserving and protecting Arizona's 800 wildlife species, and these monument designations have negatively impacted the department in carrying out its statutory duty by impeding its ability to develop and maintain critical water resources, manage wildlife, restore habitat and perform wildlife translocations; and
Whereas, the federal government is unable to financially support and maintain the existing national parks and monuments and often ends up closing or restricting the use of these lands; and
Whereas, the designation of national monuments and subsequent closure or restricted use of public lands significantly interferes with Arizona's economic well-being as over 2.1 million Arizonans and nonresident hunters, anglers, boaters, wildlife watchers and off-highway vehicles enthusiasts contributed over $2.4 billion and supported 27,000 Arizona jobs in 2011; and
Whereas, the designation of monuments interferes with Arizona's ability to mitigate the risk of wildfire by thinning overly dense forests and adversely affects grazing practices, water conservation and proper soil erosion controls and practices; and
Whereas, designating an area as a national monument adds additional land use restrictions, prevents the multiple use of this land and curbs the use of the land's abundant natural resources; and
Whereas, land is a significant asset for states, and Congress should repeal the Antiquities Act or at the very least amend it to require congressional approval of, as well as state and local approval and consent of, any future monument of federal designation; and
Whereas, the greatest threat to the lands of Arizona is the intrusion and overreach of the federal government.
Wherefore your memorialist, the Senate of the State of Arizona, the House of Representatives concurring, prays:
1. That the United States Congress act to protect local economies and to preserve local customs, cultures and historical uses by repealing or amending the Antiquities Act to require congressional, state, county and local approval in order to designate a national monument.
2. That the Secretary of State of the State of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial to the President of the United States, the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and each Member of Congress from the State of Arizona.