State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: S.B. 1146

            Worsley Floor Amendment

            Reference to: TRANSPORTATION AND

TECHNOLOGY Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Kaitlyn Neff





Arizona Highway Patrol Trust Fund (Trust Fund)


1.    Establishes the Trust Fund for the exclusive use of implementing, continuing and supporting the Arizona Highway Patrol and Highway Patrol Reserve and for Highway Patrol law enforcement purposes. The Director of the Department of Public Safety will administer the Fund as a trustee.


2.    Directs the State Treasurer to accept, separately account for and hold in trust monies in the Trust Fund and prohibits commingling with other monies, except for investment purposes.


3.    Designates the Highway Patrol and Arizona Highway Patrol Reserve as beneficiaries.


4.    Stipulates that monies in the Trust Fund are exempt from lapsing and surplus monies do not revert to the state General Fund.


Vehicle License Tax (VLT)


5.    Removes the specified VLT for motor vehicles and trailers designated for highway patrol and replaces with VLT amounts to be set by the Director of the Arizona Department of Transportation.


6.    Subjects alternative fuel vehicles to the same VLT as gasoline- and diesel-powered motor vehicles


Transportation Reinvestment Zones (TRZ)


7.    Allows the governing body of a county, city or town to designate a contiguous geographical area as a TRZ to promote one or more transportation projects on a finding that the area is unproductive and undeveloped and that a TRZ will:

a)    promote public safety;

b)    facilitate the improvement, development or redevelopment of the property;



c)    facilitate the movement of traffic; and

d)    enhance the local entity's ability to sponsor a transportation project.


8.    Allows the governing body to fund the TRZ through Tax Increment Financing (TIF).


9.    Stipulates that the TIF consists of tax revenue collected from all ad valorem property taxes levied by all taxing jurisdictions, except school districts, on the full cash value of all real property that is taxable by a county, city or town in a TRZ.


10.  Requires all or part of TIF revenues to be used to fund the transportation project or projects for which the TRZ was designated, as well as aesthetic improvement within the zone.


11.  Allows the governing body to contract with a public or private entity to develop, redevelop or improve a transportation project in the TRZ.


12.  Prohibits the governing body from rescinding any pledge to a contacted entity until all commitments of the assignment have been satisfied.


13.  Establishes a Board of Directors not eligible for compensation for each TRZ to be appointed by the Governing Body that established the TRZ.


14.  Requires a performance and financial audit of the TRZ to be completed 3 years after the establishment of the TRZ and be conducted by the Auditor General or an independent auditor.


15.  Requires the governing body to hold a public hearing at least 30 days before proposing an ordinance that designates a TRZ.


16.  Requires the governing body to provide seven days' notice of the hearing by newspaper of general circulation and allow any interested party to speak or submit comments for or against creation of the TRZ.


17.  Stipulates that the ordinance designating a TRZ must:

a)    describe the boundaries with sufficient definiteness;

b)    provide that the TRZ takes effect immediately on the passage of the ordinance;

c)    state that the base year is the year of passage or another year in the future;

d)    designate whether all or a specified percentage of each taxing jurisdictions' tax increment will be paid into the tax increment account;

e)    assign a name to the TRZ for identification;

f)     designate the base year for establishing the tax increment base;

g)    establish a tax increment account for the zone; and

h)    contain findings that the promotion of the transportation project or projects will cultivate the improvement, development or redevelopment of the zone.


18.  Allows the governing body to amend the boundaries of the zone at any time to accommodate changes in the limits of a project.


19.  Stipulates that the governing body remains compliant without any further hearings or procedural formalities, unless adding property to a TRZ.


20.  Requires a governing body to hold a hearing and adopt an ordinance if adding property to the TRZ.


21.  Exempts school districts from tax increment account obligations, unless the governing body of the school district enters into an agreement with the governing body of the county, city or town that created the TRZ.


22.  Allows the governing body of a school district to enter into a binding agreement, specifying the portion of the tax increment to be paid, at any time before or after the TRZ is created or enlarged.


23.  Requires the TRZ to terminate on December 31 of the:

a)    year in which all contractual requirements for development, redevelopment or improvement of TRZ projects has been satisfied; or

b)    tenth year after the TRZ was created if the governing body has not entered into any TRZ contracts.


24.  Allows the governing body to use surplus TIF revenues for non-TRZ purposes.




25.  Makes technical and conforming changes.


26.  Removes the Proposition 108 clause, which requires the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of each chamber of the Legislature.


Fifty-third Legislature                                                   Worsley

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1146




(Reference to TRANSPORTATION AND TECHNOLOGY Committee amendment)



Page 3, line 9, strike "3." insert "2."

Line 28, strike "4." insert "3."

Page 4, line 3, strike "the following:"

Line 4, strike "1."

Strike lines 7 through 9

Line 23, after "patrol" insert "trust"

Line 24, strike "41‑1752" insert "41‑1752.01"; strike "fifty cents" insert "the rate established by the director"

Page 5, line 4, after "patrol" insert "trust"

Line 5, strike "41‑1752" insert "41‑1752.01"; strike "fifty‑two cents" insert "the rate established by the director"

Line 19, strike "of nineteen dollars" insert "established by the director"

Line 21, after "patrol" insert "trust"

Line 22, strike "41‑1752" insert "41‑1752.01"

Line 25, strike "of thirteen dollars" insert "established by the director"

Line 27, after "patrol" insert "trust"

Line 28, strike "41‑1752" insert "41‑1752.01"

Page 6, line 3, strike "of ninety-three dollars" insert "established by the director"

Line 5, after "patrol" insert "trust"

Line 6, strike "41‑1752" insert "41‑1752.01"

Line 12, strike "sixty-three dollars" insert "An amount established by the director"

Line 14, after "patrol" insert "trust"; strike "41‑1752" insert "41‑1752.01"

Page 6, line 18, strike "eighteen dollars" insert "An amount established by the director"

Line 20, after "Patrol" insert "trust"; strike "41-1752" insert "41-1752.01"

Page 7, between lines 3 and 4, insert:

"Sec. 4. Repeal

Section 28-5805, Arizona Revised Statutes, is repealed."

Page 8, lines 13 and 25, strike "28-5805,"

Page 10, strike lines 3 through 31

Page 11, strike lines 1 through 9, insert:

"Sec. 6.  Title 28, chapter 19, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding article 5, to read:


START_STATUTE28-6841.  Definitions

In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:

1.  "Captured full cash value" means the total full cash value of all real property that is taxable by a county, city or town and that is located in a transportation reinvestment zone minus the tax increment base of the county, city or town.

2.  "Full cash value" has the same meaning prescribed in section 42‑11001.

3.  "governing body" means the board of supervisors of a county, the city or town council or another elected governing board of a city or town.

4.  "Tax increment" means the amount of tax revenue collected from all ad valorem property taxes levied by all taxing jurisdictions, except school districts, on the captured full cash value.

5.  "Tax increment base" means the total full cash value of all real property that is taxable by a county, city or town and located in a transportation reinvestment zone for the tax year in which the Zone was designated under this article.

6.  "Zone" means a transportation reinvestment zone established pursuant to this article. END_STATUTE

START_STATUTE28-6842.  Designation of transportation reinvestment zone

A.  The governing body of a county, city or town, by ordinance, may designate a contiguous geographical area in the jurisdiction of the county, city or town to be a transportation reinvestment zone to promote one or more transportation projects on a finding that:

1.  the area is unproductive and undeveloped.

2.  Action under this article will further the following purposes:

(a)  Promote public safety.

(b)  Facilitate the improvement, development or redevelopment of property.

(c)  Facilitate the movement of traffic.

(d)  Enhance a local entity's ability to sponsor a transportation project.

B.  The governing body must hold a public hearing on the designation of the zone and its benefits to the county, city or town and to property in the proposed zone.  The hearing must be held at least thirty days before the date the county, city or town proposes to adopt an ordinance designating the transportation reinvestment zone.  Notice of the hearing must be given at least seven days before the date of the hearing by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, city or town and by posting on the county's, city's or town's website.  At the hearing any interested person may speak or submit written comments for or against the creation of the zone or its boundaries. 

C.  The ordinance designating an area as a transportation reinvestment zone must:

1.  Describe the boundaries of the zone with sufficient definiteness to identify with ordinary and reasonable certainty the territory included in the zone.

2.  Provide that the zone takes effect immediately on passage of the ordinance and that the base year is the year of passage of the ordinance or another year in the future.

3.  Designate whether all or a specified percentage of each taxing jurisdiction's tax increment will be paid into the tax increment account established pursuant to paragraph 6 of this subsection.

4.  Assign a name to the zone for identification, with the first zone designated as "transportation reinvestment zone number one, (name of county, city or town)", and subsequently designated zones assigned names in the same format, numbered consecutively in the order of their designation.

5.  Designate the base year for the purposes of establishing the tax increment base.

6.  Establish a tax increment account for the zone.

7.  Contain findings that promotion of the transportation project or projects will cultivate the improvement, development or redevelopment of the zone.


E.  The governing body may amend the boundaries of a zone at any time to accommodate changes in the limits of a project for which the zone was designated, except that property may not be added to a designated zone unless the governing body complies with this section. END_STATUTE

START_STATUTE28-6843.  Exclusion of school district tax increment

A.  A school district is not required to pay into a tax increment account any of its tax increment produced from property located in a zone unless the governing body of the school district enters into an agreement to do so with the governing body of the county, city or town that created the zone.

B.  The governing body of a school district may enter into an agreement under this section at any time before or after the zone is created or enlarged.  The agreement may include conditions for payment of the school district's tax increment but must specify the portion of the tax increment to be paid and the year or years for which that tax increment is to be paid.  The agreement and the conditions in the agreement are binding on the school district and the county, city or town. END_STATUTE

START_STATUTE28-6844.  Use of tax increment revenues for transportation projects

A.  From taxes collected on property in a transportation reinvestment zone, the governing body shall pay into the tax increment account for the zone the tax increment produced by the county, city or town.

B.  All or a portion, as specified by the governing body, of the monies deposited in a tax increment account must be used to fund the transportation project or projects for which the zone was designated, as well as aesthetic improvements within the zone.  Any remaining monies deposited in the tax increment account may be used for other purposes as determined by the governing body.

C.  The governing body may contract with a public or private entity to develop, redevelop or improve a transportation project in the zone and may pledge and assign all or a specified amount of monies in the tax increment account to that entity.  After a pledge or assignment is made, the governing body may not rescind its pledge or assignment until the contractual commitments that are the subject of the pledge or assignment have been satisfied. END_STATUTE

START_STATUTE28-6845.  Termination of transportation reinvestment zone

A.  A transportation reinvestment zone terminates on the later of the following:

1.  December 31 of the year in which the county, city or town completes all contractual requirements or the repayment of monies owed under any agreement for development, redevelopment or improvement of the project or projects for which the zone was designated.

2.  December 31 of the tenth year after the year the zone was designated if, before that date, the county, city or town has not entered into a contract described in section 28-6844, subsection C or has otherwise not used the zone for the purpose for which it was designated.

B.  Any surplus remaining in a tax increment account on termination of a zone may be used for other purposes as determined by the governing body. END_STATUTE

Sec. 7.  Title 41, chapter 12, article 3, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 41-1752.01, to read:

START_STATUTE41-1752.01.  Arizona highway patrol trust fund

A.  The Arizona highway patrol trust fund is established consisting of monies deposited pursuant to section 28‑5801.  The trust fund shall be used exclusively for the purpose of implementing, continuing and supporting the highway patrol and the Arizona highway patrol reserve and administering the provisions of law relating to the highway patrol and the ARizona highway patrol reserve.

B.  The director shall administer the trust fund as trustee.  The state treasurer shall accept, separately account for and hold in trust any MONIES DEPOSITED in the state treasury, which are considered to be trust monies as defined in section 35‑310 and which may not be commingled with any other monies in the state treasury except for investment purposes.  On notice from the director, the state treasurer shall invest any trust fund monies deposited in the state treasury pursuant to sections 35‑313 and 35‑314.03, and all interest earned on these monies shall be credited to the trust fund.

C.  The BENEFICIARIES of the TRUST are the highway patrol and the Arizona highway patrol reserve.

D.  Monies in the trust fund are exempt from the provisions of section 35‑190 relating to lapsing of appropriations.  Surplus monies, including any unexpended and unencumbered balance at the end of the fiscal year, do not revert to the state general fund."END_STATUTE

Amend title to conform




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