State Seal2 copy           Bill Number: S.B. 1407

            Fann Floor Amendment

            Reference to: printed bill

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





1.    Adds conditions for the state, political subdivisions and self-insurance pools consisting of public entities (employer) directing medical care for workers' compensation claims.


2.    Requires an employer directing care to establish a list of providers consisting of at least three occupational health physicians within 25 miles of an urban employee's workplace and 50 miles of a rural employee's workplace.


3.    Allows rural employees to receive care in the nearest urban metropolitan area where the needed medical services can be provided.


4.    Requires the physicians to be specialized in treating workplace illnesses and injuries and board certified or board eligible in their area of practice.


5.    Requires the list of providers to be:

a)    available to workers at all times:

b)   provided to an employee within one business day of request;

c)    updated every 90 days; and

d)   posted on the Industrial Commission (ICA) website.


6.    Requires the employer, upon notification of an injury, to:

a)    provide for the worker to be treated within 3 days;

b)   deliver the list of providers within 24 hours; and

c)    provide the worker a list of their rights within 24 hours.


7.    Allows an injured worker to receive emergency care without restrictions as to where and when the emergency care is provided.





8.    Allows a worker to choose any physician from the list of providers if the employer has not provided for treatment within 3 days or the worker is not satisfied with the initial treating physician.


9.    Allows a worker, whose request for an alternating physician is denied by the employer, to:

a)    appeal to the ICA;

b)   seek treatment from any provider on or off the list; and

c)    receive compensation for treatment if the worker prevails on appeal.


10. Allows a worker to use their own physician if none of the physicians on the list are available within proximity to the worker.


11. Expedites appeals process for public safety employees.


12. Requires the ICA Chairman to convene a public panel to make recommendations regarding physicians, service areas and appeals processes.


13. Requires the panel to consist of:

a)    the ICA Chairman;

b)   one member who represents peace officers;

c)    one member who represents firefighters;

d)   one member who represents cities or towns;

e)    one member who represents counties;

f)     one member who has experience with insured entities that direct medical care;

g)   two members who have expertise in adjudicating workers' compensation claims for injured workers in the public sector; and

h)   two members who represent school districts.


14. Delays implementation of directed care to December 1, 2017.


15. Requires the ICA, upon notification of an injury, to email a claim form to the employee or mail a copy if the email is unknown.


16. Requires a working member of an LLC, who owns less than 50 percent of the membership interest in the LLC, to opt-in to workers' compensation coverage. 





Fifty-third Legislature                                                      Fann

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1407




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 4, between lines 37 and 38, insert:

"(q)  A working member of a limited liability company who owns less than fifty percent of the membership interest in the limited liability company."

Reletter to conform

Line 38, strike "less"

Line 39, strike "than twenty‑five" insert "fifty"; after "percent" insert "or more"

Page 6, strike lines 28 through 45

Page 7, strike lines 1 through 21, insert:

"Sec. 2.  Title 23, chapter 6, article 3, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 23-955, to read:

START_STATUTE23-955.  Public safety employees; request or stipulation for expedited hearing; notice; waiver of change of administrative law judge

A.  If a public safety employee or the public safety employee's authorized agent files a request for a hearing in connection with the public safety employee's medical benefits or a change of physician request under section 23‑1074 that alleges, by affidavit, that immediate and irreparable injury, loss or damage will result if the hearing is not held before the time frames prescribed by this article or if the claim involves a public safety employee and all interested parties, in person or by the interested parties' authorized agents, stipulate in the request for a hearing that the hearing should be held before the time frames prescribed by this article, the commission shall:

1.  Immediately notify the parties if the request for an expedited hearing is granted and, if the request is granted, of a hearing date that is not more than fifteen days after the date of the notice.

2.  If the parties stipulate to the expedited hearing, immediately notify the parties of a hearing date that is not more than fifteen days after the date of the notice.

3.  Require the administrative law judge to issue a determination on the matter and make an award, if any, within five days after the hearing is complete.

B.  An interested party or the interested party's authorized agent who is granted an expedited hearing pursuant to this section waives the interested party's right to a change of administrative law judge and may not file a notice of or affidavit for a change of administrative law judge pursuant to section 23‑941, subsection I or J."END_STATUTE

Page 8, strike lines 29 through 45

Strike pages 9 through 11

Page 12, strike lines 1 and 2

Renumber to conform

Strike lines 40 and 41, insert:

"C.  If the commission receives a notification of the injury form, the commission shall send e‑mail a claim form to the employee.  If the employee's e‑mail address is not available, the commission shall mail the claim form to the address provided on the notification of injury form."

Reletter to conform

Page 15, strike lines 20 through 43

Page 16, strike lines 1 through 13

Renumber to conform

Page 17, after line 34, insert:  

"Sec. 6.  Title 23, chapter 6, article 9, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 23-1074, to read:

START_STATUTE23-1074.  Government employers and self‑insurance pools; directed medical care; requirements; alternative physicians; intergovernmental agreements; emergency care exception; definitions

A.  Beginning December 1, 2017, except as provided in subsection K of this section, This state, a political subdivision of this state or a self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities may direct medical care.

B.  If this state, a political subdivision of this state or a self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities provides medical benefits in the manner specified in subsection A of this section, this state, the political subdivision of this state or the self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities shall:

1.  Maintain a list of providers that complies with all of the following:

(a)  Consists of Providers that are within the service area. Providers on the list shall be board certified or eligible to be board certified in occupational health. Providers on the list that are specialists shall be certified in the provider's area of practice.

(b)  Consists of not less than three providers who are occupational health physicians and who specialize in treating workplace illnesses and injuries.

(c)  Is available to workers at all times either on request or by posting the list on its website.  If a worker requests the list, this state, the political subdivision of this state or the self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities shall provide the list within one business day after receiving the request.

(d)  is Updated and provided to the commission at least every ninety days.  The commission shall post on the commission's website the list of providers for this state, each political subdivision of this state and each self-insurance pool consisting of public entities.

2.  Provide an injured worker with the list of providers and the injured worker's rights under this chapter within twenty‑four hours after notification of an injury or illness that requires medical treatment and maintain a record of providing the information required by this paragraph.

3.  Within three days after notification of an injury or illness that requires medical treatment, provide for the injured worker to be treated by a physician.  If treatment is not scheduled within three days after the notification of the injury or illness that requires medical treatment, the injured worker may choose a physician from the list of providers and shall notify the employer of the physician chosen.

C.  If an injured worker is not satisfied with the treating physician provided pursuant to subsection B, paragraph 3 of this section, after the injured worker's initial visit, the injured worker may choose an alternative treating physician from the list of providers.  To change to an alternative treating physician pursuant to this subsection, within seven days after the initial visit, the injured worker shall notify This state, the political subdivision of this state or the self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities that the injured worker intends to choose an alternative treating physician.  This state, the political subdivision of this state or the self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities may not deny the injured worker's choice of alternative treating physician under this subsection.

D.  An injured worker who chooses an alternative treating physician pursuant to subsection C of this section shall notify This state, the political subdivision of this state or the self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities of the alternative treating physician chosen from the list of providers.  If the injured worker does not notify This state, the political subdivision of this state or the self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities of the alternative treating physician chosen within seven days after the date that the injured worker provides the notice of intent pursuant to subsection C of this section, This state, the political subdivision of this state or the self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities may assign the injured worker an alternative treating physician.

E.  An injured worker who is not satisfied with the alternative treating physician chosen or assigned pursuant to subsection C or D of this section shall obtain written authorization from This state, the political subdivision of this state or the self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities to choose a subsequent alternative treating physician from the list of providers.  If the request to change to an alternative treating physician pursuant to this subsection is denied, the injured worker may file a request to change to an alternative treating physician with the commission.

F.  For the purposes of this section, none of the following constitutes the selection of an alternative treating physician or a subsequent alternative treating physician:

1.  A referral made by a treating physician, including a referral for a second opinion.

2.  The selection of a treating physician because the initial treating physician either:

(a)  Dies.

(b)  Retires.

(c)  Leaves This state's, the political subdivision's of this state or the self‑insurance pool's consisting of public entities network.

3.  A change of treating physician is required because of a change of address by the injured worker to a location outside of the service area.

G.  If none of the physicians on the list of providers is available to treat the injured worker within the service area, the injured worker may choose the injured worker's own physician and shall notify this state, the political subdivision of this state or the self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities of the physician chosen.

H.  If This state, a political subdivision of this state or a self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities denies the claim or terminates treatment, the injured worker has the right during the appeal process to seek treatment from any physician.  If the injured worker prevails, This state, the political subdivision of this state or the self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities shall cover the injured worker's costs of treatment.

I.  This state, A political subdivision of this state or a self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities may enter into intergovernmental agreements and other agreements with other political subdivisions to establish or contract with networks under this section.

J.  If the service area of this state, a political subdivision of this state or a self-insurance pool consisting of public entities is adjacent to another state, the service area may be expanded into that other state.

K.  In the case of a medical emergency, an injured worker may seek and receive emergency care without restrictions as to where the emergency care is provided.  An injured worker who is receiving emergency care for a medical emergency and who is discharged from the medical facility because the injured worker's injuries or illness is stabilized but still requires ongoing medical treatment shall notify this state, the political subdivision of this state or the self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities within one business day after the injured worker's discharge that ongoing medical treatment is required.  The ongoing medical treatment shall be provided pursuant to subsection A of this section.

L.  In a rural area, if the nearest physician on the list of providers is more than fifty miles from the injured worker's residence, the injured worker may file a request with this state, the political subdivision of this state or the self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities to receive treatment from a physician who is closer to the injured worker's residence.

M.  For the purposes of this section:

1.  "Emergency care" means health care services that are provided in a hospital emergency facility, freestanding emergency medical care facility or comparable emergency facility to evaluate and stabilize a medical condition of a recent onset and severity, including severe pain, that would lead a prudent person who has an average knowledge of medicine and health to believe that the person's condition, sickness or injury is of a nature that failure to get immediate medical care could result in any of the following:

(a)  Serious jeopardy To the person's health.

(b)  Serious impairment to bodily functions.

(c)  Serious dysfunction of a bodily organ or part.

(d)  Serious disfigurement.

(e)  If the injured worker is a pregnant woman, serious jeopardy to the health of the fetus.

2.  "Governmental workplace" means the location in which an employee of this state, a political subdivision of this state or a member of a self‑insurance pool consisting of public entities would be presumed by this state, the political subdivision of this state or the self-insurance pool consisting of public entities to conduct a majority of the employee's employment duties.

3.  "Medical emergency" means the sudden onset of a medical condition of sufficient severity, including severe pain, that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in either of the following:

(a)  Serious jeopardy To the person's health.

(b)  Serious impairment to bodily functions.

(c)  Serious dysfunction of a bodily organ or part.

(d)  Serious disfigurement.

(e)  If the injured worker is a pregnant woman, serious jeopardy to the health of the fetus.

4.  "Rural area" means an area that is located in a county with a population of less than five hundred thousand persons and that has a population of less than twenty thousand persons.

5.  "Service area" means the geographic area of twenty‑five miles from the injured worker's governmental workplace. If the injured worker's governmental workplace is located in a rural area, the service area may be expanded to a geographic area of fifty miles and to include the nearest urban metropolitan area in which the medical services needed can be provided.

Sec. 7.  Industrial commission of Arizona; guidelines for directed medical care; panel; delayed repeal

A.  The chairman of the industrial commission of Arizona shall convene a panel to make recommendations for implementing section 23‑1074, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act.  The panel shall consist of the following members:

1.  The chairman of the industrial commission of Arizona.

2.  One member who represents peace officers.

3.  One member who represents firefighters.

4.  One member who represents cities or towns.

5.  One member who represents counties.

6.  One member who has experience with insured or self-insured entities that direct medical care.

7.  Two members who have expertise in adjudicating workers' compensation claims for injured workers in the public sector.

8.  Two members who represent school districts.

B.  The panel shall conduct meetings that are open to the public and make recommendations regarding the following for implementing section 23‑1074, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act:

1.  Selecting treating physicians who are board certified, board eligible or have equivalent experience in a related field.

2.  Establishing service areas.

3.  Establishing an appeals process.

C.  This section is repealed from and after December 31, 2017."

Amend title to conform







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