Bill Number: S.B. 1412
Griffin Floor Amendment
Reference to: printed bill
Amendment drafted by: Leg Council
· Removes the sequential order that must be followed in hearing water rights claims and instead requires that the determination of water rights of all small water use claims be deferred until all other claims are determined by the superior court in the course of the adjudication.
First Regular Session S.B. 1412
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 2, after line 46, insert:
"9. "Small water use claim" means any claim for a stockpond, stockwatering use or groundwater well that is identified in a statement of claimant filed in the adjudication pursuant to section 45-254 and the claim is for any of the following specific conditions:
(a) A stockpond having a capacity of not more than fifteen acre feet that is used solely for watering livestock or wildlife and that contains water that is appropriable under section 45-141, subsection A.
(b) Any well that is equipped so that it has a maximum pumping capacity of not more than thirty-five gallons per minute.
(c) A stockwatering use by livestock and wildlife where the place of stockwatering use is either directly from a naturally occurring body of water, such as an undeveloped spring, cienega, seep, bog, lake, depression, sink or stream, or from a developed facility that is not a stockpond or reservoir and that is served by a diversion of water that is appropriable under section 45-141, subsection A, including a drinker, trough, pipeline, spring box or other developed facility."
Renumber to conform
Page 5, strike lines 22 through 37
Renumber to conform
Page 8, line 34, after "claimant. " strike remainder of line
Strike lines 35 through 46
Page 9, strike lines 1 through 8, insert ", except that the determination of water rights of all small water use claims shall be deferred until all other claims are determined by the superior court in the course of the adjudication."
Page 9, line 9, strike "the sequential order prescribed by"
Line 23, strike "upon" insert "on"; after "with" insert "subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section and"
Amend title to conform