Fifty-third Legislature                                 Health and Human Services

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2030




(Reference to House engrossed bill)


Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert:

"Section 1.  Title 44, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding chapter 37, to read:




START_STATUTE44-7901.  Definition of automated kiosk

In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, "Automated Kiosk" Means an interactive machine that is installed within a retail space and that is used to purchase used consumer electronics, including cellular telephones, devices for playing digital audio files and tablet computers.END_STATUTE

START_STATUTE44-7902.  Operation; reporting requirements; identification numbers

A.  A person may operate an automated kiosk in this state if the automated kiosk does all of the following:

1.  Uses a live representative to Remotely verify a seller's identity through a government-issued identification card.

2.  Secures storage of items that the automated kiosk accepts.

3.  Captures and stores images during a transaction.

4.  Electronically reports all transactions.

B.  A person that operates an Automated Kiosk shall make a true, complete and accurate report of each transaction and provide the report to the local authority that has jurisdiction where the automated kiosk is located.  The report shall include all of the following:

1.  The name and address of the seller.

2.  A Digital photograph of the item purchased and of the seller.

3.  An Electronic signature and thumbprint of the seller.

4.  An accurate and legible description of each item purchased, including the manufacturer's name, model number and serial number.

C.  The serial number reported pursuant to subsection B of this section may be the International Mobile Station Equipment Identity, the Mobile Equipment Identifier or another unique identifying number that is assigned to the item by the manufacturer.  If the International Mobile Station Equipment Identity, the Mobile Equipment Identifier or other unique identifying number is not available at the time of purchase, the report filed pursuant to this section must be updated with the International Mobile Station Equipment Identity, the Mobile Equipment Identifier or other unique identifying number as soon as possible and not later than twenty days after the date of purchase.END_STATUTE

START_STATUTE44-7903.  Retention requirement

A.  Any person that operates an Automated Kiosk shall retain purchased items for at least twenty days and may ship purchased items for retention to a secure off-site location.  Items retained at an off-site location under this section are subject to return and inspection by any governmental agency in this State.

B.  The retention requirement of this section begins when all reports prescribed by section 44‑7902 are complete and submitted to the local authority that has jurisdiction where the automated kiosk is located.END_STATUTE

START_STATUTE44-7904.  Licensing by local authority

A local authority may license A person that operates an Automated Kiosk if the license relates to the business of buying used property except that:

1.  The licensing requirements may not conflict with this chapter.

2.  The Licensing fees may not exceed the following for each Automated Kiosk:

(a)  A total of five hundred dollars for an Initial application fee and annual license fee.

(b)  Five hundred dollars for an annual license Renewal fee.

3.  A local authority may not charge a person that operates an Automated Kiosk any fee related to the reports prescribed by section 44‑7902."END_STATUTE

Amend title to conform







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