Worsley Floor Amendment
Reference to: House engrossed bill
Amendment drafted by: Kaitlyn Neff
1. Specifies that compensation paid by a motor vehicle manufacturer to the new motor vehicle dealer authorized to sell used motor vehicles of the same line-make only applies when the affected used motor vehicle was in the dealer's inventory at the time of the stop-sale or do not drive notification, if the vehicle was taken in by the dealer as a trade-in during the purchase of a new vehicle, or if the vehicle was a lease return vehicle.
2. Makes technical and conforming changes.
First Regular Session H.B. 2331
(Reference to House engrossed bill)
Page 7, between lines 7 and 8, insert:
"aa. subsections u through y of this section apply only to new motor vehicle dealers holding an affected used motor vehicle for sale that was any of the following:
1. in inventory at the time the stop-sale or do not drive notification was issued.
2. taken in the used motor vehicle inventory of the new motor vehicle dealer as a consumer trade-in incident to the purchase of a new motor vehicle from the new motor vehicle dealer after the stop-sale or do not drive notification was issued.
3. taken in the used motor vehicle inventory of the new motor vehicle dealer as a lease return vehicle returned to the new motor vehicle dealer."
Reletter to conform
Line 11, strike "should" insert "shall"
Amend title to conform