State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: H.B. 2477

            Burges Floor Amendment

            Reference to: House engrossed bill

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





1.    Permits county boards of supervisors to retain outside counsel to approve, review or ratify county attorneys' use of county RICO Fund monies.


2.    Allows the RICO Funds to be used for costs related to the proposed reports, audits, reviews and approvals.


3.    Modifies the reporting requirement by removing impermissible expenditures, adding vehicle maintenance and making clarifying changes.


4.    Limits the proposed higher standard of proof in the RICO statute to the specified types of forfeitures.


5.    Specifies that the prohibition on transferring seized property to a federal agency:

a)    applies to investigations that did not involve a federal agency or only involved state law violations;

b)   does not apply to seizures of more than $75,000 in joint investigations; and

c)    does not prohibit specified activities related to joint investigations.


6.    Limits the award of treble costs or damages to situations in which the seizing agency or attorney for the state intended to cause injury or was grossly negligent.


Fifty-third Legislature                                                    Burges

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2477




(Reference to House engrossed bill)



Page 3, line 43, strike "the preponderance of the clear and convincing evidence test" insert "the preponderance of the evidence test, except that the standard of proof for an order under subsection D, paragraph 6 of this section is the standard of proof that is applicable for an in personam forfeiture as set forth in chapter 39 of this title and the standard of proof for an in rem forfeiture under subsection G of this section is the standard of proof that is applicable to an in rem forfeiture as set forth in chapter 39 of this title"

Page 5, between lines 37 and 38, insert:

"4.  The costs of the reports, audits and application approvals that are required by this section."

Page 6, line 4, strike "subsections J and" insert "subsection"

Line 40, strike "reports that are required by subsections G and" insert "report that is required by subsection"

Page 7, line 29, strike the first and second "returned" insert "awarded"

Line 45, strike "victim reparations" insert "any injured person as defined in section 13‑4301"

Page 8, strike line 12

Renumber to conform

Strike line 14

Renumber to conform

Between lines 17 and 18, insert:

"13.  Vehicle maintenance."

Renumber to conform

Line 25, strike "itemized" insert "categorized"

Page 9, line 39, after the period insert "The board of supervisors may retain outside counsel, if necessary, to approve, review or ratify the county attorney's use of the monies."

Page 10, line 4, after "enforcement" insert ", and for the costs of the reports and application and expenditure reviews and approvals that are required by this section"

Line 30, strike "subsections J and" insert "subsection"

Page 11, line 3, strike "reports that are required by subsections G and H" insert "report that is required by subsection G"

Line 36, strike the first and second "returned" insert "awarded"

Page 12, line 7, strike "victim reparations" insert "Any injured person as defined in section 13‑4301"

Strike line 19

Renumber to conform

Strike line 21

Renumber to conform

Between lines 24 and 25, insert:

"13.  Vehicle maintenance."

Renumber to conform

Line 32, strike "itemized" insert "categorized"

Page 14, line 9, after "agencies" insert "; definition"

Line 19, strike "subsection" insert "subsections"; after "I" insert "and J"

Page 15, strike lines 23 through 33, insert "agency for the purpose of forfeiture if the property was seized pursuant to an investigation that either:

1.  Did not involve a federal agency.

2.  Involves a violation of a state law and no violation of a federal law is alleged.

J.  Property that is seized in a joint investigation may not be transferred or referred to a federal agency for the purpose of forfeiture unless the gross estimated value of the seized property is more than seventy‑five thousand dollars.

K.  This section does not prohibit:

1.  The federal government or any of its agencies from seizing property, seeking forfeiture pursuant to federal law and sharing property that is forfeited pursuant to federal law with a state or local law enforcement agency that participates in a joint investigation.

2.  A state or local law enforcement agency from participating in a joint investigation.

L.  For the purposes of this section, "joint investigation" means an investigation in which a state or local law enforcement agency directly participates in the investigation or enforcement of a federal criminal law with a federal agency and the investigation or enforcement results in a seizure."

Page 25, line 32, after "indictment" insert "and that the seizing agency or attorney for the state intended to cause injury or was grossly negligent"

Amend title to conform







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