REFERENCE TITLE: counties; purchases; local dealers




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-third Legislature

First Regular Session




HB 2285


Introduced by

Representative Barton





Amending Section 11-254.01, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to county boards of supervisors.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 11-254.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE11-254.01.  County purchasing procedures; purchases to be based on competitive bids; content and issuance of invitations and specifications; basis of awards and rejection of bids; professional services; buildings; definition

A.  All purchases of supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services, except professional services, made by the county and having an estimated cost in excess of ten thousand dollars per transaction, or the aggregate dollar amount provided for in section 41-2535, if pursuant to section 41-2501, subsection C the board of supervisors adopts the aggregate dollar amount, shall be based on sealed, competitive bids.  The county purchasing agent shall make the awards on board of supervisors approval.  The invitation for bids and specifications must be issued in sufficient time before the purchase is made and in sufficient detail to permit free competition.  Notice of the invitation for bids shall be published in a newspaper in accordance with title 39, chapter 2 unless the board of supervisors, by at least a two-thirds vote of its membership, determines that an emergency exists requiring immediate action to protect the public health or safety.  Copies of the invitation and specifications shall be supplied to and bids shall be solicited from qualified sources consistent with the item to be purchased as determined by the county purchasing agent, including all qualified suppliers who that before the issuance of the invitation notify the purchasing department in writing that they desire to bid on materials, supplies, equipment or contractual services.

B.  Bids shall be opened publicly at the time and place stated in the invitation.  On board approval, the county purchasing agent shall make awards with reasonable promptness by giving written notice to the responsible bidder whose bid conforms to the invitation and whose bid is the most advantageous to the county concerning price, conformity to the specifications and other factors.  The board may reject all bids if rejection is in the public interest.  For a purchase where the estimated cost is in excess of fifty thousand dollars, the county purchasing agent, subject to board approval, may award the contract to a local dealer in preference to any competing bidder that is not a local dealer if the bid of the competing bidder, quality and suitability considered, is less than five percent lower.

C.  For purchases of ten thousand dollars or less, or for purchases of less than the aggregate dollar amount if the county board of supervisors adopts the amount provided for in section 41-2535, each county shall develop purchasing procedures to comply with the uniform accounting system prescribed by the auditor general under section 41-1279.21.

D.  Professional services shall be procured pursuant to written policies developed by the county purchasing agent and adopted by the board of supervisors.

E.  All erections of and repairs and alterations to any county building are not subject to this section but are subject to title 34, chapter 2.

F.  For the purposes of this section, "local dealer" means:

1.  A dealer, person or firm whose principal place of business is within the county limits of the county making the award.

2.  For banking and other financial services provided by financial institutions or their affiliates, a dealer, person or firm that operates a banking office or branch within the county limits of the county making the award and whose principal place of business either is within this state or employs five hundred or more residents of this state.END_STATUTE