REFERENCE TITLE: release procedures; hearings; bonds




State of Arizona


Fifty-third Legislature

First Regular Session




SB 1163


Introduced by

Senators Borrelli: Bradley, Peshlakai, Quezada; Representatives Barton, Stringer





amending sections 13‑3961, 22‑314 and 22‑424, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to pretrial procedures.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 13-3961, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE13-3961.  Offenses not bailable; purpose; preconviction; exceptions

A.  A person who is in custody shall not be admitted to bail if the proof is evident or the presumption great that the person is guilty of the offense charged and the offense charged is one of the following:

1.  A capital offense.

2.  Sexual assault.

3.  Sexual conduct with a minor who is under fifteen years of age.

4.  Molestation of a child who is under fifteen years of age.

5.  A serious felony offense if there is probable cause to believe that the person has entered or remained in the United States illegally.  For the purposes of this paragraph:

(a)  The court shall consider all of the following in making a determination that a person has entered or remained in the United States illegally:

(i)  Whether a hold has been placed on the arrested person by the United States immigration and customs enforcement.

(ii)  Any indication by a law enforcement agency that the person is in the United States illegally.

(iii)  Whether an admission by the arrested person has been obtained by the court or a law enforcement agency that the person has entered or remained in the United States illegally.

(iv)  Any information received from a law enforcement agency pursuant to section 13‑3906.

(v)  Any evidence that the person has recently entered or remained in the United States illegally.

(vi)  Any other relevant information that is obtained by the court or that is presented to the court by a party or any other person.

(b)  "Serious felony offense" means any class 1, 2, 3 or 4 felony or any violation of section 28‑1383.

B.  The purposes of bail and any conditions of release that are set by a judicial officer include:

1.  Assuring the appearance of the accused.

2.  Protecting against the intimidation of witnesses.

3.  Protecting the safety of the victim, any other person or the community.

C.  The initial determination of whether an offense is bailable pursuant to subsection A of this section shall be made by the magistrate or judicial officer at the time of the person's initial appearance.

D.  Except as provided in subsection A of this section, a person who is in custody shall not be admitted to bail if the person is charged with a felony offense and the state certifies by motion and the court finds after a hearing on the matter that there is clear and convincing evidence that the person charged poses a substantial danger to another person or the community or engaged in conduct constituting a violent offense, that there is clear and convincing evidence that no condition or combination of conditions of release may be imposed that will reasonably assure the safety of the other person or the community and that the proof is evident or the presumption great that the person committed the offense for which the person is charged.  For the purposes of this subsection, "violent offense" means either of the following:

1.  A dangerous crime against children.

2.  Terrorism.

E.  On oral motion of the state, If a court makes an initial determination at the person's initial appearance that subsection D of this section applies and that the person shall not be admitted to bail, the court shall order the hold a hearing required by to determine if the requirements of subsection D of this section at or within twenty‑four hours of after the initial appearance unless the person who is subject to detention or the state moves for a continuance.  A continuance that is granted on the motion of the person shall not exceed five calendar days unless there are extenuating circumstances.  A continuance on the motion of the state shall be granted on good cause shown and shall not exceed twenty‑four hours are met.  The person may waive the right to a hearing.  The prosecutor shall provide reasonable notice and an opportunity for victims and witnesses to be present and heard at any hearing.  The person may be detained pending the hearing.  The person is entitled to representation by counsel and is entitled to present information by proffer or otherwise, to testify and to present witnesses in the person's own behalf.  Testimony of the person charged that is given during the hearing shall not be admissible on the issue of guilt in any subsequent judicial proceeding, except as it might relate to the compliance with or violation of any condition of release subsequently imposed or the imposition of appropriate sentence or in perjury proceedings, or for the purposes of impeachment.  The case of the person shall be placed on an expedited calendar and, consistent with the sound administration of justice, the person's trial shall be given priority.  The person may be admitted to bail in accordance with the Arizona rules of criminal procedure whenever a judicial officer finds that a subsequent event has eliminated the basis for detention.

F.  The finding of an indictment or the filing of an information or a complaint does not add to the strength of the proof or the presumption to be drawn.

G.  In a hearing held pursuant to subsection D of this section, proof that the person is a criminal street gang member may give rise to the inference that the person poses a substantial danger to another person or the community and that no condition or combination of conditions of release may be imposed that will reasonably assure the safety of the other person or the community. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 22-314, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE22-314.  Release; bond and deposit schedule; collection

A.  The defendant, at any time after arrest and before conviction, shall be eligible for bail, subject to section 13‑3961 and any applicable rules adopted by the supreme court.

B.  The justice of the peace shall:

1.  Prepare or adopt for use a schedule of misdemeanor criminal traffic violations not involving the death of or serious physical injury as defined in section 13-105 to a person or any felony traffic offense a violation of section 28‑1381 or 28‑1382, listing the specific bail bond for each violation.

2.  Permit the collection of bail, or acceptance of proper a bond in lieu of bail, in accordance with the foregoing schedule and collect that bail, for and on behalf of the court.

C.  The justice of the peace shall prepare or adopt for use a schedule of civil traffic violations, listing a specific deposit for each violation.  The justice of the peace shall ensure that proper deposits for civil traffic violations are accepted for and on behalf of the court. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 22-424, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE22-424.  Release; bond and deposit schedule; collection

A.  The defendant, at any time after arrest and before conviction, shall be eligible for bail, subject to section 13‑3961 and any applicable rules adopted by the supreme court.

B.  The presiding magistrate shall:

1.  Prepare a schedule of misdemeanor criminal traffic violations not involving the death of or serious physical injury as defined in section 13‑105 to a person or any felony traffic offense a violation of section 28‑1381 or 28‑1382, listing the specific bail bond for each violation.

2.  Permit the collection of bail, or acceptance of proper a bond in lieu of bail, according to in accordance with the foregoing schedule for and on behalf of the court.

C.  The presiding magistrate shall prepare a schedule of civil traffic violations, listing a specific deposit for each violation.  The presiding magistrate shall ensure that proper deposits for civil traffic violations are accepted for and on behalf of the court. END_STATUTE