REFERENCE TITLE: advanced certification; assessor personnel; compensation




State of Arizona


Fifty-third Legislature

First Regular Session




SB 1207


Introduced by

Senator Allen S





Amending Section 42-13006, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to county assessor personnel.




Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 42-13006, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE42-13006.  Qualifications of appraisers and assessing personnel; certification program

A.  A person may not perform the duties or exercise the authority of an assessor or appraiser of property in or on behalf of a county unless the person holds an assessor's or appraiser's certificate, respectively, that is issued or recognized by the department.  This subsection does not apply to an elected official or to clerical and secretarial personnel.

B.  The department shall provide for examining applicants for assessor's and appraiser's certificates.  A certificate may not be issued to a person who has not demonstrated to the department's satisfaction that the person is competent to perform the work of an assessor or appraiser, as the case may be.

C.  The department shall conduct or sponsor in-service and preentry training programs on the technical, legal and administrative aspects of the assessment process.  For this purpose, the department may cooperate with educational institutions, regional, state or national assessors’ organizations and other organizations that are interested in improving assessment practices.

D.  The department shall provide for a graduated certification program that encompasses provisional certification, basic certification, intermediate certification and advanced certification.  Each certification level shall encompass gradually increasing professional standards and qualifications.

E.  A person who is employed by the department or a county and who successfully completes the advanced certification provided by the department may be approved to receive additional compensation. 

E.  F.  At the request of any of the following the department shall prepare and submit a report on the achievements and problems of the education, training and certification activities under this section:

1.  The education, training and certification advisory committee established by section 42-13007.

2.  The president of the senate.

3.  The speaker of the house of representatives.

4.  The chairman of the senate finance committee or its successor committee.

5.  The chairman of the house of representatives ways and means committee or its successor committee.END_STATUTE