Fifty-third Legislature                         Transportation and Infrastructure

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2261




(Reference to printed bill)


Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert:

"Section 1.  Section 28-3395, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-3395.  Supreme court authority and duties; rules; record; list

A.  The supreme court may contract with a public or private agency that does not provide defensive driving schools in this state pursuant to this article to provide assistance in carrying out the duties of this article.

B.  The supreme court shall:

1.  Supervise the use of defensive driving schools by the courts in this state.

2.  Make public the amount of the court diversion fee assessed by each court in this state pursuant to this article and the total cost to attend a defensive driving school in each court.

3.  Establish an automated statewide database for keeping a record of persons who attend a defensive driving school.

4.  Adopt rules that establish criteria for the certification of qualified defensive driving schools and instructors used by the courts.

5.  Establish procedures for courts and schools to remit reports that are required by the supreme court.

6.  Certify and monitor defensive driving schools and instructors that serve as a court authorized diversion program.

7.  Require that a defensive driving school class not exceed a total of four and one-half hours, including any testing, reviewing and grading related to the defensive driving school class.

C.  The information contained in the database required by this section is not a public record.

D.  The Supreme Court may prepare a list of certified defensive driving schools in good standing with the supreme court.  The list shall be organized by delivery modality type and, for each certified defensive driving school, shall contain one name approved by the Arizona Corporation Commission or the secretary of state, one website address and two telephone numbers on the interactive voice response technology telephonic system.  A certified defensive driving school may be on the list only if it has all of the following:

1.  A registered copyright to a unique curriculum as approved by the Supreme Court.

2.  A unique Employer identification number.

3.  A unique physical address that is not shared with another defensive driving school.

E.  If a certified defensive driving school is on the list described in subsection D of this section and the school or an owner of the school has at least a five percent financial interest in another school or contracts any services to operate another school, the Supreme Court may not include the other school on the list."END_STATUTE

Amend title to conform








3:24 PM