Fifty-third Legislature                               Judiciary and Public Safety

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2269




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 4, strike lines 16 through 44

Page 5, strike lines 1 through 15

Renumber to conform

Line 26, after "media" insert "that is available to the court"

Line 38, after "victim's insert "name and"

Strike lines 44 and 45

Page 6, strike lines 1 through 3

Renumber to conform

Page 7, line 33, after the period insert "If any monies remain after paying the restitution owed to victims, this state, the political subdivision of this state or the prison, jail or correctional facility may pay outstanding incarceration costs.

C.  If money is transferred to a clerk of the superior court pursuant to subsection B of this section, this state, the political subdivision of this state or the prison, jail or correctional facility must also provide the clerk with the following information at the time of the transfer:

1.  A copy of the monetary judgment.

2.  The defendant's name and the case number of each case where restitution is owed.

3.  The name of each victim who is owed restitution and the specific amount of restitution from the monetary judgment that is for each victim.

4.  The name and address of the transferring entity and a request to return any money that was not distributed from the transferred monetary judgment, if any, after paying the restitution that is owed."

Page 11, line 18, after "media" insert "that is available to the court"

Amend title to conform






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C: sp