Fifty-third Legislature                                                    Health

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2426




(Reference to printed bill)




Page 1, between lines 35 and 36, insert:

START_STATUTE"36-795.01.  Practice of community health workers; scope

For the purposes of this article, the practice of community health workers includes:

1.  Providing cultural mediation among individuals, communities and health and social service systems.

2.  Providing culturally appropriate health education and information.

3.  Providing care coordination, case management and system navigation.

4.  Providing coaching and social support.

5.  Advocating for individuals and communities.

6.  Building individual and community capacity.

7.  Providing direct services that are consistent with the education and training required for certification of a community health worker.

8.  Implementing individual environmental analyses and community needs assessments.

9.  Conducting outreach.

10.  Participating in evaluation and research."END_STATUTE

Line 36, strike "36‑795.01" insert "36‑795.02"

Page 2, between lines 16 and 17, insert:

"6.  Standards for unprofessional conduct."

Renumber to conform

Page 2, line 18, strike "36‑795.02" insert "36‑795.03"

Strike lines 34 through 41, insert:

"4.  Standards for unprofessional conduct."

Line 42, strike the comma insert "and"; strike "and disciplinary"

Line 43, strike "penalties"

Page 3, between lines 3 and 4, insert:

START_STATUTE"36-795.04.  Certificate denial; revocation; rules

A.  The department shall adopt rules regarding procedures for the denial of an application for certification or recertification and for the revocation of a certification.

B.  The department shall consider whether the applicant:

1.  Has had an application for a certificate related to the practice of community health workers denied or rejected by any state or jurisdiction and if so, all of the following:

(a)  The reason for the denial or rejection.

(b)  The date of the denial or rejection.

(c)  The name and address of the state department or jurisdiction that denied or rejected the application.

2.  Has had a certificate related to the practice of community health workers restricted, suspended or revoked by any state or jurisdiction and if so, all of the following:

(a)  The reason for the restriction, suspension or revocation.

(b)  the date of the restriction, suspension or revocation.

(c)  The name and address of the state department or jurisdiction that restricted, suspended or revoked the certificate.

3.  Has pleaded guilty to, been convicted of or entered a plea of no contest to a misdemeanor related to the applicant's employment as a community health worker or a felony and if so, all of the following:

(a)  The felony or misdemeanor charged.

(b)  The date of the conviction or plea.

(c)  The court having jurisdiction over the felony or misdemeanor.

C.  The department may deny or revoke a certificate issued under this article if a community health worker has either:

1.  Secured a certificate under this article through fraud or deceit.

2.  Engaged in unprofessional conduct or incompetence in the conduct of the community health worker's practice."END_STATUTE

Page 3, line 4, strike "36‑795.03" insert "36‑795.05"

Strike lines 14 through 17

Amend title to conform








9:58 AM