First Regular Session H.B. 2216
(Reference to House engrossed bill)
Page 1, line 5, strike "definition" insert "definitions"
Line 10, strike "either" insert "any"
Strike lines 11 through 14, insert:
"1. A criminal justice employee who obtains a search warrant.
2. A pawnbroker or an employee of a pawnshop, secondhand dealer or auction house while the pawnbroker or employee uses electronic firearm tracking technology to report information to the sheriff or the sheriff's designee pursuant to section 44‑1625 or a similar reporting requirement."
Renumber to conform
Line 19, strike the comma insert ":
1. "Criminal justice employee" includes a peace officer, a probation officer, a surveillance officer and a prosecutor and includes any employee of a law enforcement agency, a probation department or the court who is authorized in the execution of the employee's official duties to use electronic firearm tracking technology or to obtain or disclose any identifiable information about a person or a person's firearm in order to use electronic firearm tracking technology.
Amend title to conform