First Regular Session H.B. 2290
(Reference to House engrossed bill)
Page 1, line 6, strike "or L"
Line 7, strike "shall" insert "may"
Line 11, strike "ninety days"
Line 12, strike "or more but"; strike "three hundred sixty-five days" insert "one year"
Strike lines 22 through 25
Reletter to conform
Strike lines 38 through 42
Page 2, between lines 2 and 3, insert:
"G. If an applicant is employed in a licensed assisted living or skilled nursing facility, the provisional license must include a condition that the provisional licensee may only work under the direct supervision of another licensee who is not a provisional licensee, and the supervising licensee must sign a verifying affidavit."
Reletter to conform
Between lines 23 and 24, insert:
"(b) A violation of section 13-1403, subsection B."
Reletter to conform
Line 26, strike "involving fraud" insert "in violation of title 13, chapter 20, 21 or 22 or section 13-2310 or 13-2311"
Line 29, strike "individuals who lack mental capacity" insert "vulnerable adults as defined in section 46-451"; after "children" insert a period, strike remainder of line
Strike line 30
Strike lines 34 through 39, insert:
"4. Repetitive offenders pursuant to section 13-703."
Reletter to conform
Amend title to conform